Well Dessserved Punishment

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      I had no idea how describe the thing other than a giant fat diamond back snake.  The thing slivered slowly to me, as if I was not capable of running away and it had all of the time in the world.  "Ssso you think that you can jussst come sssave the presssiousss demigod and run away to Camp Half Blood?  Oh thatsss not going to happen." the thing hissed at me.

     "Oh, I am ssso sssorry, but I think that you need sssome ssspeech classsssesss or sssomething." I said, mimicking her tone.

     The fat snake hissed at me and flared out its fangs.  "Thank you ssso much for coming, now I can have twiccce asss much food."

     "No problem, I would do jussst about anything for any of my friendsss.  Isss it jussst fun to talk like thisss or sssomething to you?" I asked.

     "Jussst shut up!"


     The snake slivered faster to me and tried to strike my neck, I deflected the attack and cut off her head.  She fell to the ground.  Before I could start cheering, she grew back another head.  "Sssurprisssed?"

     "No, I would be it you ssstayed dead." I answered.  I kept slicing the monster, but it kept growing back.  "Gah!  I might as well keep shaved metal from going to a magnet!"

     The snake laughed at my frustration and continued to try to strike.  She then tried to strike my leg.  I moved my leg before she could, but fell down.  "Now I got you!" she cheered as she started closing in.

     Something fell out of my pocket.  Even at this moment, I would freak out over something falling out of my pocket.  My fingers closed around something.  Poison!  I remembered that I had it.  After one final slash of my sword, the monster fell into dust.  Right before the dust started to gather up again, I poured most of the poison on the pile.  "You desserved it." I said as I spat on the pile.  The poison ate the dust so the thing was unable to reform.

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