Not Alone

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“It isn’t like you owe your mom a house,” I shrugged as I looked back down at my feet that were in blue casts.  “I still have no idea how I will do that,” I sighed.  I had to get my mom a new house; it was just the right thing to do since I kinda caused the fire that burned down her old house.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” he wondered, sometimes I forget that not everyone knows my background even though I was the sister of the star of the camp.  If you ever met me, you would know that I am an awful story teller.  I can only type a story, not tell one because I always get details messed up and the order of events messed up.

“What are dreams supposed to mean?  No one knows until you look back on them!” I explained.  I felt like I was creeping him out, but I didn’t have a care in the world.  The world was such a beautiful thing; everyone enjoys my presence, definitely the unicorn that is waving at me through the window.

“Okay then…” Tanner looked at me with a confused and concerned expression.  As if wondering, Is she always this crazy, or is she in here because of her mental health too?

“Sorry dude, these Apollo kids have awful hearing.  I needed 15ml of pain killer and I got 50.  So I’m not going to make sense,” I admitted, slurs kept making their way into my speech, I really hated it but I barely control my tongue anymore.

Tanner laughed a little, the over dosage was worth it to make someone laugh after a day so awful.  “So, why are you here?”

I decided to just let it go, not emotionally but just say the parts of the story that I felt like saying.  Like I said earlier, I am an awful story teller.  “I got kidnapped, than a monster that had been stalking me for weeks decided to pay me a visit.  So I breathed in poisonous fumes and my feet?  I still don’t have the whole story,” I told them.

“Well that’s…lovely?” he offered as a comment.

I rolled my eyes, he didn’t have to be so uncomfortable around me.  It wasn’t like I was going to judge him.  I was high as I have ever been, it wasn’t like I would remember everything that happened.  Yet I am somehow telling you the story so I am guessing that I do remember a lot from my time being high off pain killers.

“Yes, yes it is.  I could be healed by now if an Apollo kid would listen to me and get me some salt water!  Instead they don’t care enough to come when I am awake,” I lazily told him.

“Wait, who’s your parent?” he wondered.  I waited a few seconds, even the woman that he carried in was staring at him to see how long it would take him to figure it out.  “Poseidon, I’m guessing?”

“Yes, that is my father.  But the party doesn’t stop there,” I laughed.  I quickly shut myself up, information kept spilling out.  I hate being high because I can’t keep anything inside my mouth no matter how big my mouth is.

“Continue,” he curiously asked.

I wasn’t expecting him to actually want to hear more about me.  Most people don’t even ask the questions that I expect them to ask, yet he was actually the smallest bit predictable.

“Zeus, it is truly a disturbing party but it is still one,” I admitted.

“So you are related to both of them?” he asked.  I usually would make him feel dumb for asking a question that I just answered, but pain killers work wonders and I was not in the mood for making someone feel stupid even if they really are.

“Sadly, yes.  Is there any other child like that?” I wondered.  It would be nice to know that I am not the only one who is 75% god.

“Annie,” the woman piped up.  “Not exactly the same, but you two have a similar situation…”

“How do you know?” I wondered.

“Alyssa is her mother,” Tanner explained, gesturing to the woman.  I didn’t know how I didn’t know that they were related, they looked exactly alike.  From the tanned skin to the chestnut colored hair, she looked a lot like Annie.  Except for the pink eyes, those must be from her dad.

“Her grandfather is Apollo?” I asked.

“Yeah, how did you know?” Alyssa wondered.

“I always insult people right in front of them without even knowing.  I insulted Apollo children so there had to be one around,” I explained.  Please comment on this paragraph if you have ever insulted someone without knowing.

“Yeah, well my siblings aren’t the brightest.  And that was an unintentional pun, before anyone points it out,” she smiled.

“That just dawned on me,” I joked along.

“Very funny,” Tanner rolled his eyes at my joke.  “Speaking of Annie, where is she?”

“She is taking a while,” Alyssa added.

“Hey, I have freaky accurate dreams telling me what I need to know, but that doesn’t mean that I always know all answers,” I admitted.

“It was a rhetorical question.  She’s helping this girl named Apricot,” Tanner informed me.

“Sense you asked, she is in a car, that is all I know,” I continued as if I was planning on saying that the whole time.

“Oh, that’s kind of creepy, but thanks for that info,” Tanner piped up.

“No problem,” I decided to test a theory.  “They should arrive just about…”

Right there, the door swung open and Annie and some other kids came in from behind her.

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