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I decided to try to sleep after Percy left, not expecting any more visitors.  No one will ever appreciate you, but I would if you joined my side, Gaea promised in my head.

“I know that I am weak and all, but it isn’t nice to taunt someone when they are in a hospital bed,” I groaned.

I am not taunting you.  I am telling you about a better life, a better choice, Gaea explained.

“Yes, a better life!  Dieing so my blood could be used so you can rise!  Yes!  Love it!” I started going on.  If she knew the first thing about sarcasm, she would have picked it up right there.

Fine, die unappreciated, Gaea argued.

“Fine, I will,” I laughed in my head.  She made it sound as if everyone would love me for dieing so she can rise and ruin all of their lives.  Yes, why wouldn’t they love me?

The bed was probably one of the most poor excuses for a bed that there is.  That didn’t stop me from sleeping, I’ve slept on the floor of the Argo.  I think that I can sleep anywhere.

I saw a knife being used to stab this really fat and ugly woman.  A boy, probably her son, stared at her.  “Sorry Tanner,” I heard faintly.

The scene shifted to Annie, the girl that I left to save those kids.  She was in a car with two boys and a girl.

Then came the scene of two Apollo kids by my bed.  “She needs exactly fifteen milliliters of pain killer,” one of them said while they were staring at the chart with my information on it.

“Okay,” the other one said as he poured fifty milliliters of pain killer into a shot and gave it to me.

“NO IDIOT!  HE SAID FIFTEEN NOT FIFTY!” I screamed at him.  He didn’t respond, probably because I was in my dream form and he couldn’t hear or see me.

The creaking of a door interrupted my dream and I instantly woke up.  “Why can this camp afford to have a teen build this huge ship but can’t afford to get a silent door that doesn’t wake me up every time it opens?” I asked the ceiling.  I could tell instantly that the pain killers were affecting me more than I thought they would.

“Sorry, we didn’t mean to wake you,” a guy said as he helped a woman get into a bed.  I recognized him as Tanner, the guy from my dream that told me that his mother just died.

“It’s okay, my sleeps barely are good.  What happened to her?” I asked.

“Oh, a knife in her arm,” he answered, glancing at the woman.

“Okay, how did it get there?”

“Uh, long story,” the woman answered.

“I’ve got time, but I guess that you just don’t want to talk about it.  Sorry about your mom,” I told Tanner.

“What?” he asked, giving me a weird look.  I could feel death around me, they actually reeked of death.  Not the kind like a child of Hades death, but the kind that comes from them when they were near death.  It didn’t scare me, it was actually kind of welcoming to me.

I decided to go with the answer that wouldn’t make me sound dark, “Um, dreams.”

“Oh…  Well maybe it was for the better,” he said as he sat on the edge of the woman’s bed.

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