Roller Skating

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I had my food to go just so I could get away from Will.  He was like a lost puppy and kept following me.  Sometimes, I still question if he knows that he is not my side kick and that I am not his side kick either.  Right when his food was done, I ditched the restaurant and mall.  The last time I looked back, he was filling his cup with some Diet Coke.  I don’t think that he noticed that I was gone yet.

I got tired of running with the food and drink shaking in my hands, so I had the air lift me up an inch and push me really fast.  The mortals just backed out of the way, probably seeing just another person on roller skates.  Oh, how messed up their eyes were.

I didn’t stop “roller skating” until I was outside.  You could never be too safe when it comes to a possible stalker.  I took it slow as I flew higher, about two hundred feet in the air.  The wind made me go at a slow speed so I wouldn’t drop my chicken or my Dr. Pepper.  I don’t know how I did it, but I was able to eat and drink everything that I brought from Chick-Fli-a (except for the napkins, straw, bag, and cup to all you smarties out there).  Lucky/ unlucky me, I flew over a dumpster so I was able to just drop my trash to where it needed to go.  I held my breath as I passed over the junk yard and flew higher.

The junkyard in New Jersey was surprisingly small, probably because New Jersey went crazy over recycling. They try to make it so everything that they used is recycled.  If the world was like New Jersey, then recycling would just be a part of everyone’s life.

Soon, I made it to Treton when I heard a roar.  I don’t hear roars often but when I do, someone is about to die.  The roar came from the creepy hotel that I was under, how ironic.  I lowered myself quickly to the roof of the hotel and got so light headed that I had to sit down for a while.  The roar reminded me of all of the people that I could have saved before but I let them down, so I got off my lazy behind and crawled to the stair thing that is usually on the roof to take you to the lower levels.

The stairs were surprisingly stable and quiet as I crawled down them.  Yes, I really would crawl down the stairs to possibly my death.  I got there just in time to see a brown-haired girl take a small clock off her necklace and it turned into a sword that had a pink gem on the hilt.  She smiled at it, probably like she was greeting an old friend.  She then looked up to meet the gaze of the charging monster.

The monster was like a python, but looked like China got a hold of it and tried to turn it into an ancient dragon.  The poor thing got its chest stabbed by the sword and poofed into dust.  The girl fell down to the ground from exhaustion.

“Nice clock,” I commented from behind her.

The girl froze and looked around like she was expecting me to jump on her possibly.  She was definitely a halfblood because she looked like she had done it a million times before.  It wasn’t until she looked directly in my eyes that I noticed her bright pink eyes.  I heard of pink eye but this was just ridiculous.

She quickly got over her shock and certain hardness covered her expression, “Who are you?  Where is my mother?”

Her words surprised me; I thought that she would be more in a joking mood.  I guess that joking about an event of when someone almost died is my thing.  It reminded me of all the times that I was the only one cheering for my team when they were getting blown out by the other team.

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