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     I used the wind to blow the pink hair of the Aphrodite kids into their face so they couldn't see me as I raced pass them.  I heard footsteps behind me, I ignored them, hoping that they were just the echoes of my own shoes.  I didn't know were I was headed, but it was not to were ever I should be at that moment. I slowed to a walk so I do not attract any more attention then I normally do.  A sea breeze blew in my face and blocked my vision as I ran into someone.

     "Sorry," the familular voice panted.

     "It is okay," I answered, moving my hair from my face.  Conner was standing awkwardly beside me.  "Weren't you just-"

     "Yeah," Conner admitted.

     "How did you get here?" I asked.

     Conner gave me a funny look.  "I walked."

     I laughed, remembering that part of an old show.  "So..." Conner began, scratching his head.

     I felt the familular awkwardness come to me that had came to me so often a year ago.  "Is it a new fad to have pink hair or did you put pink hair dye in the Aphrodite cabin shampoo?" I asked as I glanced at the dozens of Aphrodite kids that were glancing in our direction. 

     "Um...I was aiming toward the first one, but it just happened to be the second?" Connor answered, it was probably his excuse that he would use on the girls if they ever started to attack him.

     I glanced back at the kids, and noticed that the guys also had pink hair.  "Yeah, guys with pink hair is totally in season."

     "I know, right?" Connor grinned.  "It's to die for!"

     "Yet Octavian with purple hair isn't?" I questioned.

     "But he would kill you, I don't want to be the cause of it this time," he said sadly.

     "What about next time?" I joked.

     "Depends on how," he joked back.

     "Fine, I'll stick with the basic pranks.  Where is a squeaky toy and Octavian's pillow?"

     "Squeaky toy... I don't know.  Octavian's pillow?  Does he even have a pillow?"

     "Actually, I think that he only has a pillow case.  He probably would have murdered his pillows by now."

     "Seems legit," Connor agreed.

     The Aphrodite kids decided to make their move on the attack.  I wasn't sure what they wanted.  Revenge for the pink hair, or gossip from the latest quest.  It was possible that they were going to work on getting both at the same time...

     "Holy Hera," I muttered, wished desperately for a plan.  I could fly away, but it would blow my cover.

     "Gorgeous hair girls," Connor flirted as he winked at them.  "New style?"

     The kids got a disgusted face on and it was not hard to tell that he was really testing their low patients.

     "It's like you want to have permanent make up put on you at night," I mumbled to him.

     "Ew," the perfect teens looked grossed out by the presence of Connor.

     "Ew!" Connor mocked back like a little boy.  The demigods rolled their eyes at his childness.

     "Nice to see you to girls," Connor said sarcastically.

      My heart pounded against my chest when the people focused on me.  "Did you see Percebeth?"

      "Who?" I asked, not sure if it was some greek monster or possibly a purse designer.

      "Of course not, Thali and Leo are so going out!" one of the girls corrected.

      "What?" I was getting confuzzeled, I have to have a talk with my sister about this.

      "They probable went on a date already," one of the girls stated.

      "When? Where?" I felt myself get sucked into their world of wanted more knowledge about relationships.

       "We are the ones who should be asking the questions," a blonde girl commented.

     Unaware of what I was about to do I said, "Why?"

      "Where are you guys getting all fot his?" Connor exclaimed.

     "We have out ways" Drew, their leader smirked evilly.  Connor rolled his eyes.

     "I hope that you know that I don't have any information that would interest you," I tried to explain.

     "Why not?" Drew asked with disappointment bubbling in her voice.  I wanted so bad to tell her what she wanted so maybe she would want to be my friend.  Wait, ugh!  She is using her charmspeak.  Gods, I hate it when people use that to get me to do things that I really didn't want to do.

     "I was dead most of the time," I pointed out.

     "She has a point..."

     "I don't believe her, take her away!" Drew commanded.

     Perfect elbows were about to wrap around mine and drag me away before Connor unexpectedly yelled, "DON'T YOU DATE TOUCH HER!"  He then grabbed me and flew into the air with his flying shoes.

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