Pranking Spirit

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     I watched Octavian stomp out of the room, admiring how great he and Cali were together.  You wouldn't understand...  The words stayed in my head, I have heard those words to often, even more then I hear good bye.  I felt tears forming in my eyes, not sure of what they were caused by, but they were there.

     "What a drama queen!  I wonder how Cali feels after a whole day of that!" Travis exclaimed, snapping back into reality.  I was really thankful for that, the last thing I wanted was for people to know that I cry easily, and for people that I barely know and should despise.

     "Probably like a therapist," I said as I shrugged.

     "So true!" Connor agreed.

     "Do you guys have any purple hair dye?" I asked.

     "Why?" Connor asked suspiciously

     "I think that Octavian should have purple hair, that would be my final bit of revenge" I explained.

     "It would be your last bit on revenge on anyone because he would kill you," Travis warned.

     "I though he already learned his lesson," I pointed out.  "I don't think that he would kill me."

     "Are you kidding?  Do you have any idea how much he cares about his hair?" Connor sympathized.

     "Oh course I do!  That is why I would die laughing at his reaction!" I laughed.

     "But I don't want you to die!" Connor cried.  I looked at him with confusion.

      "Well, neither do I but I die anyway," I concluded.

      I glanced out of the window and saw that the Aphrodite kids were still out there.  "Any ideas on how to get the pretty zombie apocalypse to stop?"  I asked.

     Travis smiled darkly through his brain storm.  Connor stared at him, fear clear on his face.  "Travis is thinking his dark prank filled thoughts, run." he warned.

     I widened my eyes as I could faintly could see darkness surround him.  "The spirit burns brightly in this one," I said, impersonating the Indians on tv.  I then ran out of the door before the prank could be pulled.

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