The New Rule

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     When I sat on the side of the boat, Leo grabbed me by my elbows and dragged me backwards away from the edge.  "What was that for?"
     "There was a rule made.  If your name is Sky, you may no longer sit on the edge of the ship."
     "What did I do to cause that rule to be placed?" I asked.
     "Do I have to remind you?" Leo asked as he gestured to my ankle.
     "Shut up!  Now that was not my fault!" I said.
     "Sure it wasn't," Leo said.
     I got a small stream of water to slash his face.  "Why did you do that?"
     "Because it is fun!" I said.  I touched his forehead and the water was absorbed by my fingers.
     "When did you find out you could do that?"
     "Just now," I said.  "I wish I knew I could do that before all the blow drying."
     "Yeah, I hate the noises of blow dryers," Leo said.
     "And vacuums..." I said.  "Why did you invite me to watch the sunset when it is already done?"
     "It took longer to get you here than I planned."
     "Excuse me for being a cripple," I apologized sarcastically.
     "You are excused.  It wasn't your fault," Leo teased.
     "Were are we sailing?" I asked.
     "It is a bit off course, but we are going to drop you off at Camp Half Blood."
     "Why?" I asked.
     "You almost died, twice!  There is no way any of us could deal with it if you died!" Leo exclaimed.
     "But this could be my only chance to be on a quest!" I explained.  "I get that I may not be the All Powerful Leo, but I also am not the princess with the broken ankle that can't even pick up a sword."
     "You have done enough on this quest!  You saved us from the Romans and that is more than enough!  You will get to train at camp, make friends, learn about the Greek past!  You will definitely live longer in camp then on this ship."
     I whipped a tear before Leo could see it.  He was right.  I didn't know the first thing about fighting.  I never could live long on this quest, I would have to go to camp.
     "I understand," I said.  I took a deep breath.  "When will we get there?"
     "Tomorrow," Leo answered.
     "Was this planned the whole time?"I asked.
     "Most of the time.  Percy suggested it after you were attacked by that mermaid.  We were talking about it while you were passed out.  We all agreed that it would be in the best interest to keep you safe."
     I looked at the quarter moon that hung in the sky.  Its reflection shone in the water.  I felt like I just wanted to fast forward to the day when I would not be underestimated.  They did have a point.  So the next day, I would go to Camp Half Blood.

The Incomplete Sky (Demigod Story)Where stories live. Discover now