I'm Coming Home

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     I walked into the forest, aware of the danger that was in there.  Once I walked about a hundred yards into the woods, I flew up above the trees so I could get a better view of where I was going.  I wasn’t planning on leaving just yet, I just needed to calm my nerves that were riled up because all they wanted to do was crawl into a deep hole and cry to their heart’s consent.  Of course, I wouldn’t let anyone see because they wouldn’t understand.

     I zipped through the air, glad that my dress was tightly secure and that I put on some shorts underneath it.  When I believed that there was not anyone following me or was within a square mile, I lowered myself onto the top branch of a smooth looking Oak tree.  From up there I had the view of the tops of a bunch of other trees, yay…

     As soon as I sat down, I hugged the trunk of the tree, not caring that my arms couldn’t wrap around the whole trunk.  I let the fact sink in.  Thali is dead.  Cali ran away.  You probably will never see them again. I thought to myself, trying to let it sink in deep enough so I am okay with it.  Not only have they left you, that supports the theory.  I really am cursed.  No one will stay for long.  My life was almost perfect, but the fates decided to mess it up.  They aren’t even done yet.

     “Tree hugger, huh?” someone commented, it wasn’t until they did that I realized that I was close to tears.  I squeezed the treed in attempt to keep myself from shaking.  I took deep breaths until I relaxed enough to not burst into tears.  Looking up, I saw that the guy sitting next to me was around the age of sixteen.  His hair was dark and so was his eyes and clothes.  He seemed familiar, like I just saw him not too long ago.  I felt an aura of death illuminating around him.

     “Do I know you?” I muttered.

     “Not that I know of, but I would like to know you,” he flirted, leaning closer.

     I felt like I was going to gag my way out of the tree.  Guys hardly flirt with me and my weak stomach is probably the reason.  “What do you want?” I grunted, trying not to make any more enemies then I needed to.

     “Aren’t you just a charmer?” he asked.

     “No, that is what you are trying to be,” I corrected him.

     He rolled his eyes.  “Hi, my name is James.  What is yours?” he asked, trying to imitate a normal conversation starter.

     James, I thought to myself.  I stayed silent, remembering what I saw in my dream.  That jerk!  He is the cause of my death!  I glared at him, thinking about a million ways that I could kill him at that moment.

     “Did I ever do anything to you?” he asked.

     Only kill me and Cali, nothing that bad. I kept to myself, not wanting him to know that I was actually the least bit afraid of him.  “No, sorry.  You just caught me in a bad moment.”

     “Who knew something bad could happen to someone who looked so good?” James scooted closer.

     I pretended not to notice his efforts of flirting and stared forward, wondering if the fall from here to the ground was enough to kill someone.  By someone I mean Death Breath over here.

     “What’s wrong Love?” James started to wrap his arm around me right before it karate chopped his arm.

     “Go practice your flirting with someone who is just desperate enough to go out with you!” I yelled at him, feeling my eyes get wet from the fear that was coursing through my veins.  James quickly took out a blade and held it to my neck.

     “And to think that I would actually get over Cali to go out with you,” he cooed.

     “And to think that someone could actually get over Cali,” I spat, remembering how torn Octavian was when she left.  “We all know that is never going to happen.”

     “Fine, I’ll get to the ‘point’ quicker,” he snarled.  “Where is Cali?”

     “Really?”  I yawned, trying to seem bored.  “You already killed us once, why must you do it again?”

     “I never killed you!” he protested.  Oh how much he doesn't know about how much I should hate him.

     “Sure, keep on telling yourself that,” James let the blade lightly cut my neck as a warning.  “Fine, fine.  Florida, in some horse pasture probably.”

     James smirked, please with his work and put his weapon away.

     “Be careful, she has a pitchfork and she is not afraid to use it."

     Jame's rolled his eyes and shadowed traveled away.  It would take a few trips to get to Florida.  If you were to shadow travel straight there, the amount of energy that would be drained  could easily kill you.

     “She also has a friend that is not going to allow her to die again,” I whispered as I started to fly back to camp.

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