Telling Gaea Off

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      Riley stayed in Annabeth's room while I went back to staying with Piper.

      As always, I gathered the extra blankets, dumped them on the floor, then plopped on top of them.  I just sat there, trying to figure out if they trusted me.  Of course! I am the sister of their leader!  I also proved that I would die for them, so how could they not trust me?

      "Oh child," a soothing voice cooed.  "You could have it all."

       I looked over at Piper, she didn't look like she heard a thing.

      "I have everything that I could ever want," I whispered.

      "So, you have your brother, mother and your dear friend Emma?"

       Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes at the thought of some one else knowing the story.

       "Leave her out of this!  She is gone and there is nothing anyone can do about it.  You can't bribe me with her or power so give it up!" I said, letting my furry show so my tears are not so easy to see.

       "Quite child, you'll loose their trust," the soothing voice hushed.

       "All you have ever done was ruin others lives, how could you expect me to think that you will fix mine?" I asked, glaring at my reflection in the mirror as if it was Gaea herself.

       "They were of no use to me, but you are someone that I would be willing to help if you helped me."

       "Yeah right, you probably told all of your dead allies that and look at them now.  I am not going to make that mistake.  Now get out of my head or I will show you how big you messed up."

        After that, Gaea shut up and I was finally at peace.  That was at least until I turned my head to look at Piper.  She was staring at me as if I had grown green hair.

        My eyes probably got big as I asked, "You heard that?"


       "Sorry, some voice in my head trying to tempt me," I said.  I covered my eyes with my arm before she could see the tear forming.

        "With what?" Piper asked, as if she really did care.

        "My..." I sighed.  "best friend."  I wiped my eyes with my sleeve before another tear could try to escape.  "I don't want to talk about it."

        Piper nodded.  "Would you switch sides if that meant that you could save her?"

        "When you devote your life to fix a mistake, you end up making many other worse ones.  I rather continue to miss Emma than to turn on the ones that gave me a second home."

        Piper stared at me as if I had recited a new prophecy.

        "What?  Was it something that I said?"

        "Are those your words?" Piper asked.

        "I may not say big and pretty words often but after thinking the same thing over and over again, the words sort of weaves themselves together to make a piece of art."

       "You just did it again." Piper pointed out.

        I rolled my eyes.  "Ok, I think that the all mighty Apollo decided to either curse or bless me with poetic thought," I said sarcastically.

       "That would explain it," Piper said as she got up and walked to the door.

        "Were are you going?" I asked.

      "To a meeting, want to come?" Piper asked.

       "I think that it would be in all of our best interests if I didn't," I said.  "I will be on the deck."

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