Blue Nutella

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I skipped back to the Poseidon cabin, amused when I saw a rabbit hopping out from behind it.  The Ares kids saw the bunny and started pelting rocks using their hand held sling shots that they like to carry around.

I waltzed into the cabin and hopped onto my bed.  All was perfect for that hour, or as perfect as it gets when you are alone in a cabin doing nothing but laying on a bed and breathing in freshish air.  I apparently fell asleep because I didn’t wake up until I heard someone say “Free extra-large jar full of blue Nutella”.

I shot out of bed, bumping my head against someone’s head.  My eyes landed on Percy to see him rubbing his head.  “Ow,” he groaned.

“Oops?” I offered.  “Why was your face in front of mine?”

“I was trying to wake you up for five minutes!” he exclaimed.

“Now you know what I have to go through every morning,” I smirked.  “What is so important?” I asked, looking outside to see that it was pitch black.

“You missed dinner!”

“I’m not hungry,” I shrugged, falling back onto my bed.

“STAHP!!!” Percy exclaimed as he threw me off of my bed.  He hugged the panda pillow pet that I had fell on top of and kissed it on the nose.  “Don’t worry, I won’t let her hurt you like that again,” he whispered to the panda.

I hastily pushed myself up from the wooden floor; I hated getting pushed off of things.  “Dude, don’t ever push me off of anything ever again.”

“Do you mind?” he looked at me like I just insulted him.  “We are having a moment.”

“Fine, why was it so important to wake me up because I missed dinner?” I wondered.

“Because something really cool happened.  So Rachel did her prophecy thing and recited a new prophecy,” he explained.  “Annabeth told me that from the prophecy means that there is a child of Gaea in the Demeter cabin that is trying to learn our weaknesses so they can help their mom win the war.”

“You know, maybe they don’t want to help their mom,” I thought outloud.  “Like, if they really were fighting for Gaea, wouldn’t they be fighting for her by causing trouble and shutting the camp down?” I questioned.

“You sure are no Athena kid,” he commented.

“Whatever,” I groaned.  “I’m going to go on a walk now.”

 “Missy, you are not going anywhere!  It is too late for you to be pondering around!” he argued.

“It’s my life, I do what I want,” I snapped, laughing at myself on the inside.

“Fine, if you die one more time than I’m going to kill you,” he warned me.

“Okay,” I happily told him as I skipped out of the door.  I had two things in mind.  How I was going to get back at Nico and food.

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