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“Go ahead,” Sage sarcastically urged.  “Leave me completely helpless against the no legged killing machine.”

I smirked, glad that I knew something that an Athena kid didn’t know.  I played along and cackled, “No one can save you now!”  I topped it off with my signature evil laugh.

Sage didn’t find it amusing so he groaned and covered his face with his hands.

“It can wait,” Annie decided as she sat down.  “Besides, I’ll probably be in a crappy mood when I come back.”

“It gets worse?” I asked, half joking, half seriously curious.

Annie glared at me, basically telling me to shut up.  “Yes, much worse.”

“Perfect?” I asked, not sure how to respond. I NEVER shut up, especially when I am told to.  A saying came to mind so I asked Annie’s mom that was an Apollo kid, “Is there any such thing as a chill pill?”

“You’re mean,” Annie pouted.

Her mom with the name of Alyssa shrugged, “Don’t know.”

That was the last thing I could take.  Like, I was stuck in that place for hours. (And I am very aware that reading it is not much of a picnic either.)  I stuck my legs in the bucket of water on the side of my bed and they healed at a quick pace.  The yellow pus oozed out and into the water, relieving pain that I hadn’t even noticed before.  The skin that was punctured so my legs could be emptied of bacteria sealed themselves up immediately after their job was done, leaving me with my non-special yet working legs.

I got up and out of the bucket and impersonated the people that gotten the ability to walk back.  Why? Because it’s fun.  I ran around the infirmary, not caring that everyone was staring at me in shock and probably some worry.  “I can walk!” I cheered.  “I can run!”

“I’m going to take that as my cue to leave,” Annie uneasily said as she walked backwards to the door.

“I’m still running!” I laughed right before my face met the ground.  I looked back to see Sage covering his mouth with his hands, meaning that he purposely tripped me.  The pain quickly went away, taking my extra energy and pain killers with it.  I suddenly felt, normal and couldn’t remember what had happened a few minutes ago.  It is like waking up from a dream and trying to remember what you had dreamed about.

I got up, embarrassed and unwilling to ask what I had done this time.  “I’m sorry if I killed anyone this time.  I’ll be leaving,” I promised as I walked past Annie and to the door. When my hand touched the doorknob, I looked back at their shocked faces.  “If anyone needs me, I’m going to be avoiding downers,” than a thought accrued to me.  “Speaking of which, it’s time to get vengeance.”  With those as my final words, I stepped out.

Of course, I had left something and had to go back inside.  “or not,” I heard Sage say as he stared at me.

“I forgot my pillow pet,” I admitted as I skipped to the fluffiness and hugged it.  With the panda pillow pet secure in my arms, I skipped back out and to my cabin.

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