4- Why Me? Why Now?

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I don't know why but I hugged him back. At this moment I forgot who he was and just accepted the hug. It was either accept the hug go go through a full blown panic attack

For me this was huge, I'm not big with physical contact and the whole touchy feely thing. I never was one to have a hug that lasted more than a second or two. But it seemed that at that moment my body was on auto drive, and I had no control over it. And for the first time ever I welcome the embrace because at this point I really need it.

He hugged me  until my sobs subsided. I was finally able to get a hold of my emotions, we just stood there hugging in a calming silence. I knew we had 15 minuets until the bell rang so I was not worried of running late.

He pulled away but he kept me close to him. I was still shake so I was thankful he kept me sturdy. He cupped my face and wiped away some stray tear. I closed my eyes trying to fully control my breathing. I took a few deep breaths and finally opened my eyes and looked at him in the eyes.

That's when I finally got a good look at him. I have never been this close to him. I was able to see all his features up close. But one thing stood out. I let out a small gasp.

"D-did I do that" I said in a small voice. He had a nasty red, purple mark on his cheek. It was definitely going to bruise up. 

"yeah, I figured that you have taken some karate lesson or something because you know how to take a swing" He said with a slight laugh.

 I just nodded and looked down to my yellow shoes. I have never given anyone a bruise

"But hey," he pulled my chin up "I had it coming. I was the one that gave you a kiss out of the blue" I just blushed remembering the kiss. He did deserve it but i may have went over board by punching him.

"I still haven't found something you are not good at. You are a great volleyball, baseball, basketball, tennis, track, and today you proved that you are not as bad at dodge as you though. Apparently  you are also hiding some ninja moves" I smiled at my so called ninja moves

"And don't get me started on your mad soccer skills. You might be as good as me." I looked into justin's eyes and I saw that he was telling me the truth. But then something pop up in my brain. 

"How do you know? You never even look in my direction when I had you in any classes. Are you stoking me?" I told him with a small joking smile.

"Jasmine I've been keeping my eyes on since last year. It's not hard to spot you in the fields or gym, those shoes make it easy to keep a track on you." This caused me to looks down at my shoes. I never thought of that. 

"I find it funny that a quite girl like you has the most neon yellow shoes in the whole class. Normally only the most out going and better player use bright in your face colored shoes and cleats."

Its true. The best players always seem to have the brightest shoes in the field, it's like they what to be the center if attention. That is when it hit me. Justin used the same shoes when he plays soccer, only that his has cleats. How did I miss that. 

"We have the same shoes." I said so low that I thought that he didn't hear me.

"Yeah that's what first caught my attention about you. I thought that only a person with a strong personally can pull them off. But I was wrong, you are sweet and shy but you still pull them off. You let your skills talk for and they scream loud and clear." 

"I find it hard to understand why you are not a part of any sport. If I was a couch I would be begging you to going my team." I have heard this a million times before. But when Justin said it it made it sound different 

"I don't like the attention. And I've been in the side lines this long that I can never see my self in the the field." This was when I finally build enough strength to take a step back and actually talk to him. 

"We all can't be you, Justin. You have the loud positive personality and the skills need to be a captain and head of the high school food chain. The rest of us like me are left in the shadow of those like you." I wasn't mad at him anymore. I was mad at my self. Why can;y I be more like Hope, Rose, Birdy and Justin. I'm stuck being the shy girl in the shadow of everyone else.

"You are wrong, Jasmine. I saw you through the shadows. You might be shy but the skill you have, holds you above all the other girls in class. You caught my attention since the first day of class when we played indoor soccer. The moment I saw your shoes, I told myself that I was going to get to know the cute girl that shares the same shoes as me"

Am I being punked. Where are the cameras. THE Justin just called me cute. Me Jasmine the shy nerdy girl was just called cute my the jock Justing. I must be dreaming.

"Why me? why now?" I looked down at my shoes and started rolling the ball with the sole of my shoes. Justin stepped closer and cupped my face with his warm hands. 

"Why not you, Jasmine. You are beautiful, smart, and athletic. Any girl will kill to be you." I stared stared into his eyes searching for a clue if he was lying. But I didn't find one.

"Jasmine your amazing. You just don't see it yet." he was coming closer. I was smart enough to know what he was about to do and I was not sure I was not ready for it.

Lucky for me the I was saved by the bell. 

"Sorry, but I can't." I said before our lips where able to touch. Before he had a chance to say anything else, I ran out the alley towards the locker rooms. 

Before I turned the corner I heard Justin say "You can't dodge me forever."

Yep I'm being punked. There is no other explanation for Justin to be saying all these thing to a nerd like me.

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