39 - Nope It's Still Cute

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"Put a pep in your step. The ref tend to hold grudges if there are unauthorized people in the field. They yelled at my mom once just because she wasn't '5 feet from the line'. So wobble faster." I told Justin since he was walking slowly next to me. 

"Well sorry blame this boot in my foot. But don't worry I will take the blame if they start yelling at us." He pointed at his orthopedic boot. 

"Oh don't worry I was going to blame you regardless, I wasn't going to take the blame." I smiled at him. 

"Wow Jasmine I'm hurt, you're just going to let me take the blow. I'm a cripple have some sympathy." He gave me his best version of his puppy eyes.  It was cute but a bit too much. 

"I have empathy, not sympathy. Plus those puppy dog eyes are horrible." I laughed. 

"Actually they work most of the time. The only people they don't work on are my parents, Rose, and surprisingly you. The lip was an over kill wasn't it." He frowned. 

"Yep less is more trust me. I've mastered the puppy dog eyes, the only person that sees right through them is mom. I can see right through other peoples attempts, you can't beat the master at their own game." I smiled. 

We finally get off the field and made our way to where my parents where. Since we were off the field I started to walk slower. 

"Okay let me see it."Justin slowed down to look at me. 

"I need a motivation to make it super convincing." I knew I could do it but I didn't want to do it. 

"Okay how about this. You need to ask your dad to give you permission to go to the movies with me. and action." He clapped his hands. 

"That wouldn't work, since you would be the one to ask permission to take me to the movies; and thats after you asked me if I was okay with you asking." I knew he meant it as a hypothetical event but it was like he choose that specific event for a reason. 

"I know I need to ask permission from the parents to take their daughter on a date. I have manors and a huge believer of chivalry. I wouldn't dare put you on the spot like that, you will ask for the second or even third date. So just humor me, How would you ask." Yep he had something planed.

"Fine. But I will just give you the look I give him after my speech, the speech is special on its own. Okay here it goes..."I took a dead breath and gave him my signature puppy eyes and a small smile. 

"Okay I can see how you get away with things, its really good. The small smile brings it all together. I would defiantly fall for it. Your cuteness factor is through the roof, I think I past the age for being considered 'cute' thats why I doesn't work as well now a days. But I'm working on the smirk to replace the puppy eyes." He gave me his signature smirk. 

Nope its still cute. 

"Well thanks. But you were always cute."  He smiled 

"Crap did I say that out loud. Oh God." I barred my face in my hands. I could feel my face heat up. I must of been caught up on him calling me cute to pay attention to what I was saying. 

"Jasmine language." Mom scold me. I was so caught up in my embarrassment I didn't notice I was with in hearing distance from my parents. 

Mom is strict abut a lot of thing and 'bad'  language is one of those things. 

"Sorry." my faces headed up even more. I looked away from her. 

"Scarlet, relax she could have used a worse word." Dad defended. 

"It was my fault. I was the one that caused her to say it." Justin tried to take the blame. 

"She's the one that said it. No excuses." Mom continued to scold me. 

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