44 - The Jock is Actually Book Smart

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"Well that's a very complicated questions and different ways to approach it. Where do I begin. Well first of all, I need to pay you for giving me rides all these past few days, so there's that. I really did want to get to know you better, and finally this gives you a reason to talk to me other than your friends or school. I wanted you to see the true me. Now my turn for a question. Did I change your mind about who you thought I was?" He also hit hard with his first question.

"Yes and no. I still don't know you well enough to fully get an answer. Your not too full of yourself as I thought. You still have you Jock moments though." I teased him. I smiled before taking a sip of my tea.

"Well I am one. I didn't choose to be captain of the soccer team and baseball team, the title was given to me. People are the ones that gave me the title of jock, I just wanted to play the game nothing more. I can't control what people think of me or call me." He continued to munch on the bread like it was no big deal.

"True but you egged them on. You said it you self you act different when your around your team mates or group of friends." I stirred the ice with my straw.

"You do the same, don't play innocent. You're more out spoken and full of spunk out in the field and around the guys than you're at school." He smirked at me knowing he had a point.

"Okay fine I call it truce. Now my turn to ask another question. What's your favorite color?" I know it was a basic question but we need to talk about something less serious.

"Oh we are going down this road then. Blue or green I guess. I'm not pick. What's yours?" He smiled.

"Periwinkle." I smile waiting for his confused looks.

"What color is that?" He was confused like most people act after I say it.

"Its a light purple color with a slight blue under tone. It's hard to explain you have to see it to understand it." I try to explain.

"Why didn't you just say light blue purple it would of been easier." He says still a bit confused.

"Because its not the same. Plus saying periwinkle sounds cooler. Your a guy you wouldn't understand." I smirk at him.

"You girls and the need for specific details." He murmured under his breath.

"Justin you better learn quickly to notice and understand details. Trust me you will thank me later." Sophie nears our booth and places our plates in front of us. "Here you are children. Jasmine you know the drill but please be careful with the dish its just got out the oven. Do you guys need more bread or a refill." She asked politely.

"Thanks Auntie trust me I've learn my lesson to not touch the dish. I'm good I don't know about Justin, he did eat most of it." I smiled at her.

"No I'm good as well thank you, Sophia." Justin told her as he pulled his plate closer to himself.

"Okay then but if you guys need anything just let me know. I'm always an ear shot away." She turned away letting us enjoy our meal.

I carefully pulled the plated towards myself making sure I don't touch the ceramic baking dish. I looked up at Justin and he was already taking a bit of his pasta.

"You truly do love the food here don't you?" I asked amused.

"Yes its the best, olive garden has nothing on this place. Go on eat don't act all prime and proper, I hate when girls act like they can't eat in a date. Not that this is a date like you said." He smirked.

"Oh I plan on eating every single bit of it, but like I said to my aunt I learned my lesson from this delicious yet devilish food. I burned myself when I touched the baking dish with the back of my hand I still have the scar." I showed it to him. "That and I've burned my mouth with the hot cheese countless times. I learned the hard way that I need to let it cool down first." I take a small slice of bread to dip in the sauce spilling on top in the mean time.

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