29- Jasmine Are You a Human or a Robot?

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We finished eating and sat around just talking. Most of the talking was done by the guys, and mostly consisted of soccer. I only added a few comments here and there.

Mom was still upstairs talking on the phone so I was left to fend for myself. I started to zone out, I love soccer but I reached my soccer limit for today.

Instead of just sitting there doing nothing I decided to clean up. Mom has done enough, the least I can do is clean up the kitchen. I had finished putting away the seasonings in the cabinet when Dad excused himself to answer a call.

"Well I'm going to take a ice bath and a long shower. Justin I'm sure Jazz can give you a ride. My legs are dead and I don't think thats good for driving." Jess slowly got off the stool and walked, more like wobbled, away. When he reached the stairs I could faintly hear him cursing at them.

"Poor guy I feel his pain. I'm lucky that I have an elevator at my house. It's a blessing after leg day." He walked towards me as I was putting the last of the dirty dishes in the sink.

"He convinced my dad into installing one but my mom refused to have her house torn down to please him. We tried to convince her that it would be handy to her as well, but she stood her ground. She could be stubborn at times." I told him as I pulled out the soap.

"I HEARD THAT!!! WE'RE GOING OUT, YOUR TIA CALLED!!!" Great she would pass by the kitchen just as I said that.

"OKAY TELL HER I SAID HI!!" I yelled back at but I'm not sure she heard me since the door to the garage closed a second after.

"Let me help you. You guys fed me and you are giving me a ride, its the least I could do." He stood behind me.

"Well there isn't much to do. I just need to rinse them before I put them in the dish washer." I opened the machine and added the soap in the compartment.

"Okay how about this, you rinse and I place them in the machine? Or vice versa?" he stood next to the machine.

"Okay that will work. Jess normally does that when he is forced to help me." I turned on the water and started to quickly rinse the few utensils that we used.

"Any of these things need to de placed on a special rack? Mary hates it when I put ceramic plates on the bottom." He asked as he put forks in their special folder. Mary, was that his mom it's​ wired if he calls her by her first name.

"Nope, just don't put the big stuff on the very top. But we shouldn't have the problem today, most of them are small." I always do the bigger stuff first so we work from the bottom to the top its was easier and faster.

"Okay just making sure. Mary might be our cook but she hates seeing ruined plates." Okay so Mary is the cook. Those this guy have a house full of servants or something.

"A cook and a nanny? I know your family is rich but not this rich. Do you have a butler to?" I joked as a passed him a sauce pan.

"Nah that would be too much. Mary is only there during the week and for special occasions. We have Sarah the maid slash cleaner, I'm not sure of her work title actually, but she only comes three days a week. We have Chris the gardener and pool guy that come like twice a month, but I'm sure even you have those." ,He joked "My parents are rarely home so they hire people to help me keep up with the house work." He said the last bit in a different tone.

"Yeah we have a gardener, he helps with the pool up keep as well. My mom loves to cook and clean so I don't think she would hire a maid or cook. She's here for most of the day so she has plenty of time. My dad on the other hand, goes out of town once sometimes twice a month. He's away 3 days at a time so its not that bad. " I handed him a glass bowl carefully. I have broken one and I don't plan on breaking another.

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