52-I Knew it was You

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Just as I was about halfway cross campus, the bell rang signaling the end of fifth period. This made my heart drop to my stomach, time to go PE. This was the thing I was dreading the most. I was going to face everyone that saw the event first hand. 

I never get to class this early so for once the locker room was empty not because I was running late, it was empty because no one had arrived yet. I found my locker and changed into my gym cloths and my Nikes. Today we are playing basketball, because like Friday it was too hot to be outside. I actually had time to perfect my ponytail today so I added braids in front to clean up it up. 

"Wow Jasmine is here before all of us... and she is adding braids to her ponytail, now that is rare. Why?" Rose came in with Birdy. 

"Hey guys. I was sent to talk to Mrs. Allison but on my way back to class the bell rang so I just came straight here. Where's Hope, isn't she always the first one here?" I asked as I took off my glasses and placed them in their holder. 

"She needed to go do some soccer things. Apparently she needs to go over the line up with the coaches because she is varsity captain and all." Birdy answered as she unlocked her locker. 

"Wait what are we doing today?" Rose asked randomly.

"Rose you do this everyday, you would think after four years you would get used to checking the board. Its always written in huge letter, how do you miss it?" I looked at her dumbfounded. 

"I was busy telling Birdy about how I had a pop quiz in geometry but joke was on Mrs. McKnight because of the help you gave me I'm sure I aced it. So I owe you a major thanks." She pulled me in to a side huge. 

"No problem you know I'm always happy to help. And to answer your question we are playing basketball, your favorite." I said sarcastically. 

"Ugh I hate it, can I just play the sick card." She changed with a frown on her face. 

"Nope Mrs. Bonnie never falls for that unless you have a doctors note. Oh and jasmine you left a strand of hair out of ponytail." Birdy always seems to catch the tiny details. 

"How noticeable is it, because it took me forever to get like this." I look at my reflection in the tiny mirror in my locker.

"Not that noticeable to be honest. You can just wrap it around the base, plus we have less than five to get to roll call." She thighed her shoes as she talked

"Do you guys think people will be talking about Friday, there is no way not to recognize me right?" I started to freak out, my heart rate was started to increase. 

"People are bound to talk, but I don't think people will know it was you. But those shoes might be a give a way." Birdy said calmly. 

"Yeah Jasmine don't stress about things you can't change. Just be thankful that Justin already warned all the guys to not to make a big deal about it." Rose was trying to put her hair up but was having a hard time. 

speaking of Justin, my phone vibrated with a notification from him.

I know you might be freaking out right now but just remember I will be there if you need me. And the guys know to not say anything and will side with us . Take a deep breath and try to relax. 

I smiled before looking it in. No phones is the number one rule in class so I locked it up before rereading it. 

"Well with that change in mood let's head out."  Birdy was always the time keeper. 

"Wait I need to put on my shoes real fast. Here make yourselves useful and undo the knot on my other shoe." I rolled my eyes and grabbed her shoe. Rose somehow always gets her shoelaces stuck in knots, and most often then not I was the one to help her.  

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