22- Sealing the Deal With a Kiss

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"Justin just let me go please. They game is about to start and there is no way I'm going to get comfortable. You're literally breathing down my neck." I've been trying to get 'comfortable' for the past few minutes to no avail. I took my meds but my claustrophobia is still there.  

"Not gonna happen, unless you promise you will sit on the chair. And just so you know I am not breathing on your neck. That will be weird." He made a disgust look.

"Oh because forcing someone to sit on your lap isn't weird." I rolled my eyes.

"ARDEN!!!! GET OVER HERE ASAP!!!" Coach H yelled for me across the field.

"Ha now you have to let me go." I gave him a triumph smile.

"Fine but only because he called you." He unwillingly let me go.

I jogged across the field as fast as I could.

"Hey Coach, what's up." I knew something was up if he called me to the players sideline.

"Do you remember how to fill out rosters?" he asked

"Yeah of coarse. I've filled them out countless time. You taught me how remember." I used to help him during the summer fill out rosters and registration forms.

"Great I need you to go to the registration tent and fill one out for the next game. It's right after this game and you know how they are, they want players names and numbers an hour ahead. I can't fill it out while coaching this game. Can you do that for me?" He must be desperate if he asked me.

"Yeah no problem. Wait there is a problem, I'm not an official coach or manager." Only a licensed coach or appointed manager can sign off a roster.

"Oh I called the guy in charge of the tournament. I added you as 'team manager' under the team name. If you want you can ask Orwell to go with you so he can sign, I saw you are getting comfortable with him." He implied. This caused me to look down, I can feel my cheeks bush.

"It's not what it looks like. He forced me to sit in his lap." I tried to defend myself.

"I will let it slide this one time. But all jokes aside, if you have any problems ask him. He has his coaching I.D. so he can sign." Coach H was always laid back. Hope was lucky to have a cool dad like him.

"Not that I'm complaining, but why didn't you ask him to do it. He has an I.D. he shouldn't have a problem." Do it myself seems more of a hassle.

"Have you seen that boys writing, Its chicken scratch. He is a genius, but his handwriting is horrible. Plus he has never filled out a roster before. So you're my best bet. Just go up and tell them you are Arden and that coach Hernandez sent you. If anything just call me, you have my number." He always complains how most of the guys have horrible writing.

"Okay will do. You owe me, maybe now I can be named an official manager." I joked.

"Maybe I will. Your are a pro at filling out papers and keeping track of things."I couldn't tell if he was joking or not.

"Coach is your team ready." a reff came up to him.

"Yes. GUYS ON THE FIELD!!! we can talk about this later." He put on his serious coach voice.

As I walked across the field. I made made eye contact with Jess and gave him a nod. A few other players did the same. But like tradition no one said a word to me.

I passed by Justin before going to the registration tent. Like I expected he was seating on the grass

"Coach asked me to fill out the roster for next game. I expect a report of what I miss when I come back. Oh by the way you can sit on the chair until I get back. " I kept it simple.

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