28- I thought You Well Young Grasshopper

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The drive home was somewhat pleasant. Jesse and Justin just talked about the game the whole way there. I added my input here and there, but for the most part I kept to myself. I just drove and listened​ to my music since Jess didn't put his music this time. Just as I got out of the freeway my phone started to ring over Bluetooth. Of coarse it was my mom, she always knowns when I'm near.

"QUITE ITS MOM. Hey mom we just got out of the freeway we'll be there in 10." She always calls for a time estimate. She likes being prepared when we get home.

"Okay just making sure. You should have been here a while ago but you haven't arrived yet. Please don't tell me you dropped off Justin before you got here. I told you to invite him for lunch." She sounded mad.

"Don't worry ma'am I'm still here. I will not miss a chance to try your world famous veggie burger." I got to admit he is smooth.

"Oh hey Justin, I always forget there is Bluetooth in Jasmine's car. I thought you will forget about my invitation. I will make sure to make extra, trust me you will eat more than one. Just ask Jesse, he eats two in one go." Mom sounded happy now.

"I already called dibs on two mom!!!" Jesse called our from the back seat.

"Jesse you know the rules guests get first choice. I will let you drive in peace. I will get the table set up since your dad can't since he's running late." And with that she hung up.

"You might be our guest and my elder AND my couch but that doesn't mean you will get my burgers. I will let you have the seconded largest one though, but I will alos get the third largest." Jesse gets very protective over his food. I guess being in such a strict diet does that to you.

"I can have the smallest one from all I care. At this point I just want food in my system. I only had an apple for breakfast." It's times like these I'm thankful I don't have a fast metabolism like most athletes​.

"Well, in that case you will have to fight Jazz for those. She always gets the smallest ones. She can only finish two of them if they are tiny." He always makes fun of my eating habits.

"Sorry I don't have a huge appetite like you. If anything I have a normal appetite, you're the one that eats his weight in food each day.Let's see how that works out for you in a few years." I smirked at him through the rear view mirror.

"Ha ha very funny. Why don't you tell that to my six pack? I plan on keeping it for as long as possible." He always brags about his stupid abs.

"Just so you know I'm not a huge fan of six-packs on girls, some can rock them but I can't. If I wanted them I can get them, but I prefer my tone belly instead." I was starting to get them when I was doing boxing and karate over the summer, but I decreased on the ab work outs since I wanted a tone belly not full blown six pack.

"Karate and boxing does that to you. It's a hell of a core workout, we should take classes again they were fun." Mom always enrolled us in summer actives, we both did two total but one had to be together. We always choose some kind of physical activity since that was the only thing we could agree on.

"Is there anything you guys didn't do or are good that. You guys have all these secret skills." I have already mentioned the karate before but I don't thing I mentioned the boxing.

"Tennis we both suck at tennis. Never again am I playing that sport. Bat mitten on the other hand we are good at that." Jess spoke of it in such disgust.

"Hey I'm good at paddle tennis. Don't hate that I have better skills than you." I hate regular tennis but I love paddle tennis.

"Jazz I hate to burst you bubble but those two sports are in a completely different level. It's like comparing mini golf with regular golf. Almost everyone is good at paddle tennis, just admit we both suck at regular tennis." He does have a point.

The Dodging Gameजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें