17- How can you have a 4.0GPA and be this dumb?

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I woke up feeling like death. I've never been drunk in my life, but I assume this is what a hangover feels like. All the junk food and sugar from last night messed me up. Now I know the saying you are what you eat. Eat crap and you'll feel like crap.

We stayed up until like 12am last night. We were going to have a sleepover but Birdy's and Rose's parents said it was short notice and wanted to "make sure it was okay with my parents."

So we just stuck with our girls night. Rose and Birdy left around 11pm, they live close to each other so Birdy's mom gave them a ride. Hope stuck around until 11:30pm, she always stays later to help clean up. She lives one block away so I gave her a ride, she normally walk but it was too late.

It's 6:20am, even if I wanted to sleep in I couldn't. I got out of bed knowing what needed to be done. I walked to my bathroom brushes my teeth and splashed some water on my face.

I went to my closet and changed into some running shorts, sports bra, and light weight track jacket vest. It's early into summer so mornings can sometimes be fresh, but I don't want a full blown jacket. I laced up my running shoes, adjusting the laces just right. I need them perfectly tied or else I have a horrible run.

I fixed my ponytail and strapped on an armband for my iPod. I grabbed my earphones off my desk, and I was surprised to find my laptop was back. Jesse must of returned it when I was sleeping.

I walked out of my room to find the house completely silent, it was creepy. But what do you expect it's 6:30am on a Saturday morning. My parents rarely work on weekends so they must still be asleep. Jesse soccer tournaments are later in the day, and if he doesn't need to wake up early he won't, he's not a morning person.

I grabbed my house keys, making sure I don't make much noise. I switched off the house alarm to make sure it wouldn't go off when I opened the poor. I stepped out of the door and locked it, and placed the key in my pocket.

I got my iPod shuffled played my music. I'm not one of those people that have a certain work out playlist. I almost have 2,000 songs it would be too much to go trough it to make a perfect playlist.

I did a few stretches to warm up my muscles. I made sure to really stretch my ankles because those are the ones that always cause me the most trouble.

Once I had stretched enough I finally started running. I normally run on the bike lane. The streets around my neighborhood are never busy with cars or bikes, so its safe to run on the street.

I know what you're thinking. Who wakes up early to run, especially on the weekends? If you are not feeling well why are you running?

Well let me explain. I have a very mild case of insomnia. I normally wake up supper early, even in the weekends. It's like my head has its own alarm clock, it always wakes me up before 7am. Some days are worse like I wake up at 4am. On some very rare occasion I will wake up at 9am. People say I'm a morning person, but in reality I'm forced to be one.

As for the running. It always helps me feel better, both physically and mentally. It helps me clear my mind and some how it helps pump me up. It's like it gives me a boost of energy and adrenaline. So each time I feel under the weather I always run.

I don't really have a set route or distance, I just run. I try to keep it a short distance from my house but sometimes I get carried away and end up in the "downtown" area, but this only happens if I'm supper stressed.

I make it about 4 blocks from my when turn around and head home. 4 blocks there and 4 blocks back, that's about 4 miles give or take.

I get home at 7:15 on the dot. About 45 minutes to run about 4 miles, not bad for not running in a while. I'm thankful PE keeps me conditioned enough to go out for a run when I want. I used to go for runs with Jesse, but his training has gotten so brutal that he doesn't have it in him to run with me before or after practices. That and that guy is a monster he runs life at 6/7 mile pace and runs 5 miles and more.

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