24- I Didn't Waste My Saturday to See Them Loose

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"Come on Jess!!! You need to get your head in the game, even if the refs don't!!!!" I was mad and nervous right now, which is never a good mix for me.

The team was down 0-1. The referee was doing a horrible job of controlling the game. He was doing horrible calls and missing clear fouls. It was 20minutes in and I can tell it's going to be one of those long games.

"He's not calling anything. If he doesn't start doing his job the players are going to start playing dirty. You would think for a tournament they would hire better refs." Justin has been quite for the most part. He hasn't yelled out that much. He's only been saying comments to me.

He knew as a coach he can't speak against the reffs. I on the other hand can say what I want, to a certain extent of coarse. I can't say any profanities or major insults. I know how far I can take it before I get kicked out.

"They don't care they just want their money. It just sucks for the players they are the ones getting effected. They are playing their hearts out but they going nowhere if they don't have a good ref on the field. Ugh it gets me so mad." I let out sigh. One of my biggest struggle a soccer player or soccer fans faces is horrible referring.

"Whoa there calm down its just a game don't get all mad. Remember no matter how much you argue with them, referee calls are final. No need to get all worked up, it's only been 20 minutes. They have plenty of time to do a comeback." Justin tried to calm my anger but it was not working.

"I know their calls are final, but that doesn't mean I can't get mad with them. I don't want them to loose a tournament because a referee's bad judgement calls. They work so hard to make it this far just to get it taken away because a ref doesn't know the difference between a clean body tackle and a bad tackle." I took another deed breath, willing myself to calm down. Inhale. exhale.

"I didn't think sweet little Jasmine could be filled with soo much anger when it comes to soccer games." Justin laughed

"Just goes to show you know nothing about me." Most people think they know me but they are greatly mistaking. I make people think they know me but they only get a slight glimpse of the true me.

I put up a wall and no is getting in unless I want them to. But anger always lets my guard down. I need something to keep me busy before I spill more secretes.

That's when I remembered the skittles from Casey. Sugar always helps me relax. I teared up the bag and popped some into my mouth.

"Eating candy to deal with stress is not healthy Jasmine. That and you already had a green tea, that's a ton of sugar and caffeine." Why is he telling me this. He can't tell what to do.

"Not that I'm telling you what to do. I love skittles, they're my second favorite candy after sour patch watermelon." That saved him.

"They are my all time fave. The watermelon sour patch kids are my second favorite actually. What a small world." Is so weird to have this in common.

"Great minds think alike. -JAKE YOU NEED TO SHOT FROM THERE." Justin he yelled out catching me off guard.

"He can't shoot from that side he's weak on his left side. Most of the players are good about using both feet, except him. He had ACL surgery two years back, hasn't been the same since then. He is still a hell of a player expect when it comes to shooting with his left. So take it easy on him." Jake was one of the best but after the injury he was not as confident with left kicks.

"I had no clue. I was about to write down that that they need more practice on their weak side. A good player should be as good on his weak leg as in his dominant leg. But knowing this I while erase that from my notes." He adjusted his notes.

"They could use practice on their least dominating side. More practice never hurt anyone. I think Jake needs more confidence than practice. He was able to do it before he should be able to do it again " I commented.

"I'll do it but I'll try not to blame Jake for the idea. I don't want him to feel bad about his weakness. Is there annoying else I should be worried about?" He asked me.

"Not that I know of. I only know about Jake's ACL. There had been countless sprains but they have always been minor. Jake was the only one that has had surgeries. Wait shouldn't you known this, you're their coach. Coaches should know about their players history." I gave him a questionable look.

"Uhm yeah. I haven't had the time to actually sit down and read through everyone's files. I was going to sit down with Coach to go over them but our schedules are always conflicting." He said while scratching the back of his head he knew he was in the wrong.

"Wow you've been training them for about two months and you know nothing about them. You should win best coach of the year." I joked.

"Hey I do know them. I just don't know the details of their lives. Plus I only see them three maybe four days a week, I can't learn much within those few days. Plus I'm not one to invade in people's business." Okay I got respect that and he does have a point. I've known most of the guys for multiple years.

"What happens off the field stays off the field, right." Coach H has imbedded that phrase in every players head. He hates​ when they bring personal problems on to the field.

"I see Coach H has got that phrase in your head as well. But yeah it's a great motto to live by. Soccer life and real life should be kept separate I think." That phrase just goes to prove that what ever is happening between us will not work.

"Just so your aware, you are braking these mottos. You're combing your soccer life and real life by including me. You just contradicted yourself." I love catching people errors, its my inner nerd I think.

"I will break any motto if it means I get to know you." I got to hand it to him that was smooth.

"Just so you know, sweet talking will not get you any brownie points." It will take more than this to let my guard down.

"It's okay I'm more of a cookie person anyways." This actually made me laugh. This was extra smooth.

"Okay I have to hand it to you that was smooth. But that still doesn't change anything. But I will use that next time someone says that saying to me." It was truly a good comeback.

"Thanks I try." He joked. Well at least I thought he was joking.

Just when we were relaxing a player cut threw our midfielders. And to make things​ worse this half was about to finish.

"Crap. No. No. No. No. NOOOO. 0-2 great. I'm blaming you, Justin. You are distracting me from my usual cheering and yelling." I was so worked up I ate a whole handful of skittles at once.

"First of all don't choke on those, here drink some water. Second of all I don't control your mouth, you can yell all you want. And third of all don't blame my smooth jokes, it's not my fault I'm charming." He handed my unfinished water bottle.

"Woah there, I think your head might be growing a bit. You might not fit in my car now." He truly is full of him self.

"Jasmine I was just joking. I'm not egotistical. I always joke and act like one. It's all in good fun. That and everyone expects me to, it come with the title of "jock". But reality I'm probably the opposite of a jock. " His eyes held so much sincerity, I knew he was telling the trust.

Just as I was about to respond to him. The referee blew his whistle signaling the end of first half. Leaving the score at 0-2.

I got up and stretched, my nervous and anger still there. While looking at the players across the field, I knew what I had to do.

"I'll be right back." I told Justin.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I didn't waste my Saturday to see them loose. I'm going to go talk to them. I will be break game day tradition, but I need to talk some sense into them. Desperate times call for desperate measures." And with that I walked away.

When I'm on a sugar high no one will stop me when I have my mind set on something. I am a girl on a mission and no one will stop me, not even game day traditions.

The guys better be ready because I'm about to knock some sense into them.

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