18- What a Small World

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"Jess can you please give me clear directions. You are a horrible co pilot. We are about to leave the cul de sac and I still don't know where we are going. " He's the worst at giving directions. I'm shocked he doesn't get lost getting home.

"That's what I'm trying to do. Coach J hasn't responded. Just head in the general direction of the dark side." For us the dark side was the south side. Jess loves playing up the rivalry in our town.

"You have five minutes before we head into downtown. We need it by then if you want to stay on time." The not knowing is sparking my anxiety. This already has me gripping the steering wheel hard.

"Jazz did you take your 'vitamins' this morning." Jess looks at me.

That's when it hit me. I didn't take my anxiety medicine this morning. He always calls Zoloft vitamins because its hard to pronounce according to him, and it keeps it a secret.

"Oh crap!! I forgot. I was in such a rush to get ready that I forgot to take them." This can't be happening. I haven't missed a dosage since I was 13, when I was diagnosed with a panic disorder.

I can already feel my hand shaking and my heart rate rising. Good thing we were stop at a red light.

"Jazz calm down. Where's your wallet. Don't you still keep the pill case keychain attached to it." Jesse turns to me. I hate that he can stay so calm and collective.

"Backseat." Is all I'm able to say. I was focus in not killing us to say much more.

Is it me or is this red light taking forever. I need music ASAP. I turn up the volume and the gods above must be watching me because Ed Sheeran was playing.

I focus on humming along to Thinking Out Loud. I can feel my heart slow down, not by much but enough.

Jesse opens up the NOS container. Yes you heard right. NOS container. My pill case is a mini NOS container. It was a gift from Jesse actually. We are both obsessed with the Fast and the Furious movies so we got these matching keychains. Only that his is always empty and mine has Zoloft.

He hands me the pill. I don't even wait to get water. I swallow it dry. The faster it's in my system the faster it works.

"Are you trying to choke on it, here drink the rest of your water." Jesse hands me the remaining water that I was drinking before.

Right as I had finish the water the light turned green. And Jess phone went of.

"Luck is in our favor." I said with a slight smile.

"Nope we're still tight on time. We have the address but from what I can tell he lives on the very edge of the south side. You are going to need bust some fast and furious skils to make it in time." Jess types the address on the GPS.

"You don't need to tell me twice. Once I get on the freeway I will be able to recover lost time." I love driving in the freeway. I love the speed and the freedom.

"Okay speed demon remember you need at least 15 minutes until the meds kick in. I don't want to die young so you need to drive none savagely until then. 20 minutes, after that you can driver your usual ways." Jess has always trust my driving skill, but he crosses the line when I'm going through an episode. I'm surprise he hasn't made me pull over and let him drive.

"Knock on wood and hope those 15 minutes won't cause you the tournament." The GPS made me turn in a neighbor hood that seemed familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

Jesse knocked in my dash board.

"Hate to brake it to you but the dash board is made of plastic that is mostly made of a polymer or sometime a mon-" Jess stopped me mid rant by covering my mouth. I quickly swatted it away.

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