38 - Why an Anchor?

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Halfway through warming up, Casey and the rest of the guys were called in for check in. I stayed next to the goal posts and started cleaning up the cones. All that was left was ball work and last minute stretching. My part was done.

I took the stuff and walked to the player's sideline were Justin was putting away the stuff he used.

"I dislike Zack more than before now. I can't believe he said those things to you. He's so disrespectful." He told me as I put the cones in the bag.

"That was actually toned down for him. I normally say something back, but Coach beat me to it. He's normally very aware of how loud he says things and he makes sure Coach is not around; I don't know what happened to him today, he let his guard down. But he had it coming, it was about time Coach caught him. Did you go hard on him?" I tied the equipment bag and looked at him giving him a knowing smile.

"Of course I did, he's going to feel it later on today. I made him redo everything, the guys got a good kick out of it. He may not be playing today but he did get a workout in." He smirked.

"Oh he's definitely playing. He's going to be a sub, he might only play 10 minutes but he has to play. If he doesn't his dad will cause a seen, and if you think Zack is bad his dad is worse." I took a quick sip of water from the water bottles in the cooler.

"I don't think I've meet his dad and I've never seen anyone with him. How would he know?" He ask before taking a sip of a water as well.

"Zack is a major narc. He tells his dad everything and his mom hears the gossip as well. He told his dad about me helping and his dad confronted Coach saying 'it made the team look bad if they have a girl, especially one that has never played or has a title to her name.' He was also 'concern' about my age, he thought that the boys  will get the wrong idea. But Coach being the guy he is gave him the equality speech and the sexual harassment contract speech and put him in his spot. To bad he's blind to his own son's ways. If anything Zack is the one that is a 'concern' to the team, but he wouldn't know that since he's never around to see it." I took a deep breath to calm my anger.

"No way I can't believe he said that. He had no right to say that. He shouldn't have a say in how Coach runs the team, he's just a parent nothing more. He's never around to know what's best for the team anyways. I can see where Zack gets guys personality from." He was getting mad as well.

"Like I said before, he's a HUGE donor so he's not 'just' a parent. He gets a little say on team matters. I may not like him or Zack but without his dad this team wouldn't have some of the opportunities like they do." I knew the benefits out weighs the dislike I have towards them.

"Can't they just go to a different team?" Justin ask confused.

"Yes and no. This is the only major team, club, and academy in the region. Not to brag, but they are the best club, and they're the best team in this age category. They are plenty of teams to choose from but only a few compare. That and they have the academy aspect, it's hard to find clubs that have education built in. They have the total package." I look out towards the guys with a proud smile.

"For someone that doesn't play for the team you speak so fondly of it." Justin joked.

"What can I say Coastal Soccer Academy and their Pirates have stolen my heart. It's safe to say I'm a fan for life." I joke back. I sat on the bench waiting for the check in to finish.

"Why didn't you you join the team? Or go to the academy?" Justin ask when he sat down next to me.

"I never saw myself as a 'soccer player' I was good but not great. And like I said before I never liked being the center of attention and having the pressure of winning being placed on me. I was offered a spot at the academy but it didn't feel right, I was going to be an imposter. Everyone there was going to be a player expected for me. When Hope said she want to go to a regular high school that sealed the deal, I couldn't go to a school were I had no connection other than my brother. Now your turn, why didn't you go to the academy or play on the team?" I fired back his own question.

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