51- This Isn't Like You

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The lunch bell rang with just enough time to finish my food. Everyone was packing up there things when I felt a presence right next to me, being claustrophobic makes me more aware of my surroundings. 

"You're handing this extremely well. I'll see you in P.E. If you need anything or if anything happens let me know, I'm just a text away. Oh and I forgot to tell you, but you look beautiful today." Justin smiled down at me.  Making me blush slightly, I was never good at receiving complements. And like predicted he laugh.

"Justin stop." I tried to playfully slap him, but he moved just in time. 

"I'm learning quick. " He grinned "But its was a true statement Jass... Bye girls I'll see you guys later. Birdy are you ready to go to the most boring class ever created." He said bye to all of us and waited for Birdy to pack up. 

We all headed our separate ways. On my way there I could feel more eyes on me, but at this point I don't know if it was just my imagination or me being paranoid. The brain is a powerful tool.

"Hello Miss. Arden how are we doing today, how was your weekend?" Like usual I was the first in my AP bio class and Mrs. Adams did her daily check up. 

"Good like always, got to spend it in the soccer fields so thats always a plus in my books. How was your weekend?" It was a normal thing we do on Mondays.

Mrs. Adams was one of the cooler teachers, a tough class but a great teacher. She was one of the people that encourage me to go after a career in the medical field. 

"It was great as well. Kevin and I went to this very nice restaurant, well it was nice until he started talking quantum theory and what not with the bartender. Us teacher never seem to be able to turn off our teaching mode." She laughed. 

Mr. Adams is actually another teacher in this school. He teaches physics and AP physics. His room is actually just across the hall.  

"Oh I've noticed. He's still kind of mad that I choose your class over his. He's been trying to recruit me to take AP physics since last year. I don't know why but, physics is the only science that has not spark my interest and its extremely hard; well to that is what I've been told. I told her as I sat down in my usual seat.

"Yeah I don't even know how we get along sometimes, I hate physics and he hates biology. I guess opposites do attract, and our mutual hatred for chemistry brought us together." Her face showed full on disgust. 

"I don't understand everyones hate for chemistry. I loved all the chemistry classes I've taken. But I understand there will forever be a rivalry between chemistry and biology." More students started to trickle in and the rest of the class went as usual.

After I made my way across school to one of my least favorite classes, government and economy. It was pretty easy, but it was just super boring. 

"Jasmine you are need in the office." Mr. Q called out of the blue. I had finished my work and had more that half an hour of class left so I was busy doodling on a scrap paper. I looked at him slightly confused, I had never been called out to the office. I quickly packed up my things expect for the work sheets we were doing for todays lesson.

"You can turn in the worksheet tomorrow if you are not finished with it, but knowing you its already done am I right?" He talked as he wrote me a hall pass. 

"Yeah I finished it a while ago. Here you go." I handed him the papers as he gave me the pass.

"I still don't understand why you're in this class. You should be in AP government." He didn't teach that class but he has always thought his class was not challenging enough for me.

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