41 - Wow So Cynical

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Jesse ended up going to the other side, he insisted he was able to see better on the player side. I for one think it's all in his head,we are literally across from each other there is no different. We have the same view of the field and goals, only difference is what way we turn our heads. But when it comes Jesse there is no arguing when he sets his mind on something.

I on the other hand, was having trouble with the ringing in my ear. It was like I had lots my hearing on that side but it was also hyper aware of sound. It's was a very odd feeling. And it wasn't allowing to focus on the game.

"Excuse me." I turned to my right to where a very shy yet masculine voice came from. There was a very handsome guy towering over me, he was easily taller than six feet. He was around my age but he didn't look familiar, thrust me I would remember his beautiful face.

"Uhm yeah." I didn't know what else to say to him.

"I just wanted to come by and check on you and say I'm sorry. I was the one that kicked the ball that hit you. I was going to check on you when it happened but we were on stoppage time and every second counted so I was forced to jump back on the field. I'm Brent by the way." He stick his hand for me to shake it.

"Jasmine." I said as I shock his hand. "No worries I'm good. Just slight ringing in the ear but no concussion so that's good. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings so you can't take all the blame. Did you win at least?" I asked jokeling to ease his worry.

"We actually did." He laughed "We went to penalties. Ironically I had the winning shot actually." I can tell by his tone that he wasn't bragging.

"Well from the hit I got, I can tell you have a good kick. Was it a final?" I asked I can feel my parents and Justin staring at us.

"It was. It was the U-18 premier league final. Is this the U-17 final?" He looked out into the field to study the players.

"Yeah we're winning 6-0 not a very exciting or action packed game. We had the lead from the start. But a win is a win I guess" I looked over to the guys they were taking a back burner not even running much just passing the ball back in forth. But one player that looked out of place was Zack, he was weaving between players.

"Wow that's impressive. Do you guys out rank the other team or are you guys just that's good? I knew the pirates we're good but a 6 point lead is huge in the premier level." He was genuinely surprised.

"In a way both. The other team just got put in the premier level this year, so technically we do out rank them with experience. And we're just that good. We're the trainers so we should know." I joked as I gestured to Justin. Justin looked at him with a forced smile.

"Oh your an assistant coach that's so cool. Well you guys are doing a great job. Good luck to you guys. I got to go. It was really nice to meet you Jasmine, and I'm so glad you're doing well. You're a tough cookie. Hopefully we can meet again but in different manner." He gave me a huge smile showing off the cutest dimples.

"Thanks I'll try." I gave him my best smile but it didn't compare to his.

He laughed and walked off.

"Brent Lockwood. One of the toughest defensive player to get through. You got lucky you didn't get the full force of the ball, if you were closer to the field you would of past out no question asked. He is known for his power kicks, I'm almost sure he has the title of most assistance from a defensive player. He has no problem blasting a ball down the field. He's a strikers nightmare when it comes to defense but a god sent when assisting. A nice guy and a hell of a player." Justin stated once he was out of ear shot.

"Do you know everyone or do have a cunning way to Google some, like my mom does?" I jokeling asked.

"No I've played against him multiple times. We are in the same age category and ranking so we tend to play against each other often. He must not remember me since it's been about a year since I last played him. He changed teams and plays in a different league, same level still so I'm sure I'll see him in the finals this year." He explained

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