31-You Know my Weakness

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I made a quick stop at the Fro Yo shop. Jess is a health freak so thats the only 'sweets' or 'dessert' he will eat. Of coarse he is lame and only gets vanilla with all the fruits they have except for lychee, we both hate them.

I on the other had always switch it up, but most of the time I stick with the fruity flavors, once in the blue moon will I choose anything and everything chocolate.

I get home to see that my parents are still not home. Well I guess that's good I wouldn't have to share. My parents said they don't like frozen yogurt, yet they always seem to steal some.

I got out the car and made sure to grab the KT Tape before getting out. I had some trouble opening the door since I was carrying two cups and the tape. I took the stairs two at a time to get up faster. I can see that the yogurt was already melting so picked up the pace.

"JESS open your door." I yelled before I got to his room.

"Ugh." I knew he was in pain but him getting up is worth it, that and I don't want to think of what mom would say if I dropped yogurt on her wood floors.

"Did you brake your arms on the drive over, why can't you open the door yourself." he asked when he opened the door.

I didn't answer. I just held up his cup with a big smile on my face.

"Forget what I just said. Well hello. Come in dear sister." He said in a posh accent. I handed him his cup and walked in.

"Yeah that's what I thought. Rose had some KT Tape so I didn't have to buy any so I stopped by the frozen yogurt shop instead." I walked to his bed and sat down.

"You know my weakness. But are you trying to make me fat. This is too much." He sat down and opened his container.

"Who said you have to eat it all. They had a lot of fruit this time so I added a little of everything." I started to eat mine as well.

"Who said I wasn't going to eat it all. I just said you were trying to make me fat. Just don't tell coach." He dug in without thinking twice.

"Don't complain then. Just enjoy it." We eat in silent for a few minutes.

"I can't tell you how good it feel to eat something as simple as frozen yogurt. My body is aching but my heart is joyful." Jess can be mellow dramatic at times.

"Well here use the tape." I handed him the tape.

"Purple. I guess I will be repping the Lakers, nah Ravens, wait no I will repp the Vikings." Like a said before he's not picky with color, he just chooses a team to represent it.

"I would of gone with Orlando City SC." I joked. I always choose a different team just to bug him.

"OH YEAH. I totally forgot that one of their colors is purple." He tends to get so annoyed when I pick a team that he didn't even consider.

"Well if we are done here I guess I will go catch up on my reading." I get up but I was pulled down before I could even take a step.

"Nope we are not done, we need to talk." Well that can't be good Jess is never this serious.

"Do you have a thing for Justin." Well I didn't see that coming.

"First of all no. I had my first full conversation with him yesterday. We've gone to the same school but we never talked. Second, why do you care. And lastly you are my YOUNGER bother, you should not be worrying about me." I glared at him.

"I might be your younger bother, but I can still worry about you. I was surprised when you said you didn't know each other, but I saw that you guys were so comfortable with each other. It was like you guys been friends since ever, that or you guys had a thing for each other. I know J is a flirt but I also know he a good guy, I just want to know whats going on with you guys." Ugh why must he be such a good brother.

"If there was a thing, not that there is, I will not have that conversation with my younger bother. Lets just say I don't dislike Justin anymore." I went to get up again but he stopped me one more time.

"Ugh what? That is all I'm going to say about Justin." I glared at him again.

"What did you mean you don't dislike him 'anymore'? Did you hate him before?" He looked extremely confused.

"I wouldn't say I 'hated' him, hate is such a strong work. I just didn't like him. He acted like your typical stereotypical rich boy turned jock. But yesterday I found out that he was more than just that, so now I'm neutral. Maybe If we talk more and we get to know each other more we could actually be friends. Now this is the last thing I will say on this topic. Farewell dear brother." I said in a posh British Accent. Well the best I could do. I walk out and go to close his door.

"I WILL KEEP AN EYE ON YOU TWO." Jess yelled out as a closed the door.

"THERE IS NOTHING TO SEE." I yelled back.


I was busy ready the last assigned reading of the 'odyssey' when my phone started to ring. I checked and saw it was Hope calling.

Well that can't be good. She should be 'working' right now. She normally volunteers at her mom's clinic at this time.

"Jasmine so I've heard you made a new friend today. I can't believe you didn't tell us in the group text. This is major news. YOU FINALLY TALKED TO JUSTIN." she talked, well yelled, in a hush tone.

"Uhm I thought it wasn't important news, so I was going to tell you guys on Monday. How do you know this. Let me guess Rose told you." I love Rose but she can't keep anything a secret. That girl has not filter.

"Wait Rose knew, yet you didn't tell Birdy and I. And if you must know, Justin told me him self. I was talking to him while he waited for his turn for his check up." Whoops I shouldn't have said that.

"Justin answered my phone. So obviously I need to explain to her why he answered my phone, so I told her. That and she needed help with trig homework and Rose being Rose, she asked a billion questions after." I put the book on my side table I knew this conversation was going to be long.

"Why was he answering your phone? I know for a fact that you are never more than 5 feet from it." She knew me too well.

"My mom invited him for lunch after Jesse's games. I left my phone on the counter when I went to get my wallet from my room and he answered it since he saw it was Rose. So that's how Rose found out first." I grabbed my remote to turn on my tv. How many times do I have to repeat myself today.

"Ah makes sense now. He told me how you gave him a ride and how you talked a little during the games, but he didn't say anything about lunch. See I told you he was not a jerk. I knew you guys would be friends may ever mo- HOPE. I need you to file these. Oh and please get off the phone it looks bad.-" Her mom cut here off.

"I got to go. Well talk more later or on Monday." She rushed before hanging up.

"Great more explaining." I said out lout to no one in particular.

I flipped through the channels to find out there was nothing good on TV. I decided to keep it on the channel playing Allegiant, although I've seen it like 3 times and thought the book was waaaaaay better.

It's 7pm on a Saturday and I'm here watching a movie by myself while critiquing it. My life is so exciting.

"WE'RE HOME!" Dad yelled out. I got up to say hello. My parents hate it when you don't great them.

"Hello mother, fath---OH MY GOSH!!!!" I cut myself off when I saw it.

It was the last thing I would have expected. I'm not sure if I should be scared or excited. 

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