50- You Don't Deserve This

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Second and third period went like usual. I got a few more looks than usual but I'm not sure if it's just because I'm more aware of my surroundings today. But the the thing that did stand out was the constant notification I've been getting, it's been non-stop since second period. Don't these guys have teachers that forbid phone use during class.

"Earth to Jasmine. Hello is anyone in there?" Rose called out.

"Oh what sorry?"I looked up from the countless texts. I was waiting for her in the same spot like always. We usually meet here and then walk to the cafeteria to meet up with the girls.

"I said are you ready to go? But from the looks of it, it seems like what ever you're reading is more important. Can you read and walk I'm so hungry." She linked my arm with hers and pulled me along. 

"Rose you're always hungry. That excuses doesn't hold up with you anymore. I just need to keep up with all these texts, I hate group chats." I was about half way done reading all of them but as I finished one a new one would come it. 

"Wait who are you texting the only people you text are the girls. And I haven't gotten any notification yet." She pulled out her phone to make sure. 

"Well if you must know I text other people besides you girls. I actually have a group text with some of the soccer guys from Jesse's soccer team. And apparently now I'm in a group with Justin and all the quote on quote jocks from P.E." I was abruptly stopped causing me to look at Rose. 

"Wait what!!!! What are they saying let me see." She went to reach for my phone but I pulled it away. 

"Nope I haven't even finished reading all of the text. But surprisingly they are nice and really funny." I continued to catch up. I read fast but it was still surprising how long its taken me to catch up. 

"How did that even happen? I'm not even in a group chat like that." She was truly confused. But was automatically distracted by the food around her as we walked into the cafeteria. 

"I'll tell you guys when we sit down. It's about what happen with Justin and what I talked about this morning and of course what happened on Friday." I knew she wasn't paying attention to half what I just said but I answered her question anyways. 

"Yeah okay." Yep she definitely didn't hear what I just said. She had her full attention on the oven fried chicken in front of her. 

This might come as a shocker but the food here is actually good. There is normally a wide range of choices, with a mix of healthy and not so healthy foods. I for one go for the healthy option, but fake baked fried chicken sounds really good.

We got our food and made our way to our usual table by the big  Windows overlooking the quad area. Hope and Birdy were already there munching on their lunch.

"Hey guys. Jasmine how's it going so far." Birdy said before taking a bite from a baby carrot.

"Good and bad, but mostly good. I think." I placed my tray on the table.

"Oh yeah let's see the texts." Now that Rose had some good in here she was able to focus on something other than her hunger.

"Well let me start from the beginning so we're all on the same page. So this morning when Justin approached me, he gave what you can call a warning. He told me that Joel had stopped him and asked him  about his black eye. Justin quickly covered for me and said that he got it from a soccer accident, Joel being Joel he let it slide for the most part. But to avoid problems he though it was necessary to let the guys from gym class know not to say anything to anyone about what happen on Friday. So to avoid any confusion he put me in a huge group chat with them and that's what's blowing up my phone. We avoided a possible suspension but I might still be in danger of one since we are barely half way through the day. Oh and as the final cherry on top, Mr. Hunter asked me to be a math tutor for athletic's study hall." I finished my story and took my first bite of food. 

The Dodging GameDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora