49- We're breaking free!

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We made made our way to our usual spot under our tree. This tree has been our go to spot to meet up in the mornings since freshman year. Its not the biggest or well known in the school but it will do. The popular crowed has their own famous Grand Tree, one that everyone aims to sit under one day. But for us this little one is better than theirs and we could careless if we get to sit at the grand tree. 

"UUUHHHHH GURL!!!!! WORK IT!!!!" Rose called out hyper like always. I knew exactly what she was referring to, so I just rolled my eyes. 

"Hey don't roll your eyes at me. Who else will hype you up like this?" She playfully glare at me. 

"I don't mind the hype, but can you just be less extra for once. Everyone is staring at us now." It's a common occurrence when Rose is around, but I need to lay low after the things that happened Friday. 

"Jasmine you better get used to it. You are now officially part of the popular crowd, lets just say that you've been trending on twitter. You better make one, so you can be officially tagged instead of being a nameless mystery girl." Okay Rose has definitely had to much coffee this morning. She spoke so fast that I could barely understand her. 

"Rose how much coffee did you have this morning?" Birdy asked the question that we were all thinking. 

"Not much just one cup." She was either lying or she had something different than usual. 

"One cup of what exactly??" Hope had her motherly voice on. 

"I don't know the cute guy at Starbucks suggested this special kind of ice coffee. It was called something like cold stored or cold steeped. But what ever it was it was good." She has become a  Starbucks addict and goes almost everyday before school, I think its because she has a crush on the new barista.  

"Rose it was cold brew ice coffee, that's one of the strongest thing they have. No wonder you're all hyper." I'm well versed when it comes to Starbucks, which is kind of ironic since I don't drink coffee.

"Well it's my new favorite thing. My boy David didn't let me down when he said it was good." She was grinning from ear to ear. I just laughed and shocked my head. 

"Now back to the problem at hand. We need to come up with a plan to keep our sweet sweet innocent Jasmine out of the grasps of the popular crowed. Birdy your normally good at coming up with these types of plans what do you say?" We all turned to her. 

Birdy might come off as sweet and soft spoken, but she is an evil genius when it come to solving social and personal problems. 

"Well its sad to say Jasmine, but there is nothing you or anyone else can do. Like Rose said before word has spread about you. The only advantage you currently have is that people don't actually know its you. You're a nameless girl and no one knows what you look like. But its only about time that people start connecting the dots." She spoke softly in hopes to lessen the blow of things I already knew. 

"That's what I thought, I just didn't want to accept it." I stared to fiddle with my necklace. 

"There is one option, you can let Arden out to play." Hope said out of no where. 

"What?" Rose asked. Birdy also looked lost. 

"Its her alter ego she goes by when shed on the field." Hope explained but they were still confused. 

"Okay you know how Jasmine is super care free when she is outside of school. Well know imagine that version but times two. You guys haven't meet that version of her since it only comes out when she is on the field coaching the guys." Just as Hope finished explaining their eyes lit up with a light bulb moment. 

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