40- Swirly Thingies

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The first half came to an end with the final score of 6-0. The guys had no problem scoring and they kept a good defensive front; and from the looks of it none were too out of breath. I felt bad for the other team, they were putting up a good fight but they were being shot down.

"Jasmine do you want anything, I'm going to the convection stand." Dad interrupted my thoughts.

"No thanks dad, I'm good." I told him.

"Suite yourself then." He got up and made his way to the stand.

"I'll be right back. I need to talk to one of the mom's over there. She still hasn't responded on the fundraising proposal." She got up and took her mini IPad out of her purse.

She carries that thing everywhere she goes, she depends on it more than her cell phone. She insists its just incase of work emergency, but I know its just her need to keep things in order and organized.

"Go easy on her mom." I joked which caused her to smile back.

I sat there waiting for the second half to start. I took my phone out to scroll though my Instagram. I liked and comments on some pictures and silently laughed at some posts. I tagged the girls in some that were really funny.

"Twitter or Instagram?" Justin sneaked up on me.

"My gosh you scared me. You give Birdy a run for her money. You might be just as sneaky as she is." I placed a hand over my racing heart.

"Sorry, I just assumed you heard me or saw my shadow." He said with apologetic eyes.

"I must have been really distracted then, I heard or saw nothing." I turned off the phone and put in the put holder.

"I figured. You had a huge smile on your face." He sat down next.

"I'm a sucker for a good meme. I can spend hours on Instagram. I rarely post but I'm always active." I smile at memory of the picture.

''What's your username.'' He unlocked his phone.

''Let me type it in, it's complicated.'' people never get it right.

''Okay here. Don't be sneaky and post something" He handed me his Phone with it already on the search page.

I typed my username and gave it back to him. I didn't have any weird pictures so I didn't feel embarrassed to give it to him.

''Wow you have some good pictures. I see you have a thing for sunsets and landscapes." I saw him scrolling through my pictures.

''Thanks, they are the best I can get with my phone camera. I take pictures of what ever catches my attention, and most of the time it's sunsets and the outdoors. I love when Jess has late games since they give a chance to catch a nice sunset, and if it's at a nice park it's a bonus. Pretty landscaped and beautiful sunsets are my thing I would say. I'm no pro though." I grabbed my phone to see his page.

It was your topical guy Instagram with his car, soccer, other sports, and only a few pictures of him self; actually most picture where of him and the teams. There was a pic of Leo in "doggy jail" and I had to like it.

"Leo always getting the likes." Justin said when he saw the notification

"He's cute and those eyes and the floppy ears are adorable." I reached the first picture pretty fast since he didn't have many.

"He's cute but not when he chews up a pair of cleats and rips a pair of socks. I was lucky they were my baseball cleats not my soccer cleats, those are more than twice as much. But that still cost him to spend a day in doggy jail. Well it was more like half a day, I love him too much to see him sad so I let him out early." He truly loves Leo, I can tell by the way he speaks of him. He speaks more fondly of him than his own parents.

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