47- That's the Only Thing I've Stolen

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"AH!!!! It's hot. Oh it's really hot'' Justin said with a mouthful of hot chicken.

''Well you see Justin, things tend to be extremely hot when they just come off the fire. Now you're stuck breathing like a dragon that can't spit fire. Sprinkle some sugar on your burnt tongue or eat some honey, pick your poison. Or if you want to get fancy put vitamin E oil on it, but I'm not sure if it's going to taste good but it helps cell regeneration. Not that it's needed, cells in your mouth and the rest of the endoderm layer are the fastest at regeneration and repair. Most think it's skin cells but it's not, their repair takes days versus a few hour of that of the endoderm. So give it a few hours and you should be good, no true need to eat a spoonful of sugar." I was too busy wiping the counters to notice I had gone to encyclopedia mode.

"Jasmine I'm still dumb struck on how much you know. It's like you don't even think about it, the knowledge just naturally flows out of you. How do you even remember all of it." He was truly dumb struck.

"Uhm I really don't know. I just remember it, I guess I just have really good memory. But I think its really selective because I can not remember historical dates and names to save my life. I wish I could remember everything equally." I finished cleaning and faced him.

"I feel like that would be a bad idea. Having that much information in your head might make a person mad. But you seem fine so maybe not, unless you are a good actress." He laughed.

"I guess you will never know." I laughed as well as started collecting my things.

"I plan to figure you out so maybe I will know some day." He grinned.

"Uhm have you seen my phone. I can find it. Did you steal it, please don't tell me you're like the guys that steal my phone as a joke. Cuz trust me that gets old real fast." I asked as I continued to look for it.

"No I didn't take it, why would I. Plus that's such a lame joke anyways, I can come up with much better jokes than that. I've only stolen a kiss from you, and that's the only thing I've stolen and plan on stealing." He started to look around trying to help.

"yeah that wasn't too nice of you, yet again it wasn't too nice of me to punch after; so I guess we are even. Dang it can you call it so I can hear where it is, please." I played it off like he didn't steal more than just a kiss, he stole my first kiss.

"I got the short end of the stick on that, but I deserved it," he took his phone out and dialed it. "But i don't regret it. I would do it again if that means I have a chance of knowing you more." He was so casual about this whole thing. I don't know how he does it.

"You will be punched every time so go right ahead. And it will be a full strength and right form every time so it will be worse than what I gave you on Friday." I said it jokingly but I was serious.

"Wait, if this wasn't you trying then I don't wan to know ho wit feels when you actually try." He sounded scared.

"Good choice, Justine, Good choice." I could faintly hear the phone vibrate but I still couldn't see it.

"Ah there it is. It must of fallen out of your pocket when Leo jumped on your. Does this mean you are officially leaving?" He picked it up from the floor and handed it to me.

"Yeah the soup is done all you have to do is take it to your neighbor. There is no more need for me." I take it and thank him.

"There will always be a need for you. But if you must go let me walk you out, or should I say let me limp you out." He joked.

"You should really stay off that foot, I can see myself out. Plus give it time and you will wish you don't start this." I slowed down my pace to his speed.

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