36- I Ship It

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"HASMINE. Hey It's been a long time. Your looking fine as always." He stopped walking and smiled at me. I heard Justin huff next to me but I ignored him.

He called me Hasmine as his attempt of a Spanish accent. It was a thing we started doing when I found out he hated people calling him Robert, so I improvised and call him Roberto. But that back fired since he liked how it sounded in a Spanish accent. And yes this is the same Robby from yesterday's game, as in my cousin's friend and Rose's crush. And apparently Justin's rival. 

"Well not really I saw you yesterday at the game. But yeah it's been long.  Not to sound rude but are you leaving" I smiled innocently at him. I was hoping he was so I could take his spot.

"Wow Jasmine we haven't talked in ages and now you are trying to get rid of me. I'm hurt I thought we were friends. The least you can do is sweet talk me before you kick me to the curb." He faked being offended.

"Jackass" Justin mumbled.

"We are friends but I need a parking spot. I need to be in the field at noon so I have about 5ish minutes to find one." I pleaded.

"Well you're in luck. My little brother's game ended and I was just getting the car so we can load up the stuff. You can follow me I'm almost at the end of this row. Unless you want to give me a ride to my car. I don't mind being driven by you." He gave me a cheeky smile. He might have killer looks, but I know what he hides behind that perfect face of his.

"No can do front seat is taken. I'll just fo-OH IS THAT JESSE HEY BRO- ORWELL!!! Jasmine please don't tell me you guys are a thing." I was cut off by Robby who cuff himself off when he saw Justin.

"Darnell." Justin replied bitterly. I thought it would say more but he controlled himself.

"We are not a thing.We're assistant coaches slash assistant manager in Jesse's team. We just carpooled." I didn't want to get in many details with him.

He gave us a questionable look but continued walking towards his car.

"Good. Still into the coaching thing I see." He ask as I drove next to him.

"Yeah but not as much as before. Did Levey win his game?" I asked since driving next to him like a stoker was kind of creepy and awkward.

"Yeah he won. His team made it to next week's finals." He sounded so proud if his little brother.

His brother was only 10 but he was extremely good for his age, Robby has been his person trainer from the start.

"Well that's good at least one of the Darnell brothers will get to brag about a win this week." I smirked at him. I love pushing his buttons.

Justin let out I laugh, he tried to control it but failed.

"HASMINE. That was a low blow. I want the shy  elementary Jasmine that was too scared to talk to me. This sassy Jasmine is too much. Actually never mind, I like this new you. I always liked a girl that puts up a fight. It makes the chase funner." He winked at me as he searched his pockets for his keys.

"In your dreams Robert. You're not my type. I only go for winners, and you didn't prove yourself worthy yesterday. " I smirked back at him.

Justin was watching this unfold still trying not to laugh.

"Yep I definitely like this new you. You have come a long way since second grade. High school changed you for the better. Orwell did to you do this? I'm not sure if I should thank you or be mad at you." He bent down to look at him through my window giving him a dirty look.

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