3- Forget the Rules

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After the very unexpected kiss I did what most people would do. I slapped, no more like punched him.

Let me tell you something about myself, I know how to trow a punch. Being the only girl in a group of guy cousins, I learned how to defend myself. I also have taken a few karate classes during my summer. Lets just say that Justin is going to feel it and see a huge bruise tomorrow.

The next thing I know, I was sprint out of the gym. I know no one will be able to follow me because I was really really fast. I'm so fast that the track coaches always nag me to be be part of the track team. I don't want the spotlight that comes with being in a sport and I want to focus on school work. So being the nice person that I am I always kindly refuse their offers.

I ran to the my secrete place that only I knew about. It was this random alleyway between the gym and the stadium. It was closed off by wired fence, but It was easy to move it and get trough it. I found this random place, my freshman year when I was completely lost trying to find one of my classes. I made a mental note of how quite and secretive it was and from that day forward it became my secrete spot. I would always go there when i need to get away from the world.

I turned the corner and grabbed the soccer ball I keep there for times like these. I keep it there for time when I need to let out some steam, and let me tell you I was to the point of exploding. I would kick the ball to the wall and let bounce back to me and kick it back and forth until I felt like my emotions were controlled, or my legs felt like jelly which ever came first. Soccer is will all be my true passion for this same reason, it always calms my nerves and brings joy to my life.

I stared kicking the ball so hard that the sound of the ball hitting the wall echoed true alley louder than usual. After the fifth kick my emotions kicked in and I felt the tears pool in my eyes but I never let it fall. I was never one to let my feelings show, ever. That is why I love coming to this alley. I was able to show a glimpse of my true emotions without anyone seeing them.

I was about to take another kick when a voice scared me. I was so scared that it caused me to loose my footing and fall flat in my butt. I let out a shaky breath to control the slight pain.

"What did that ball ever to to you. There is no need to beat it to death with those kicks" Justin said from behind me. I took in a deep breath before getting up. I didn't turn around though, I need to get a handle on my emotions before facing him.

I kicked the ball the hardest I have ever kicked it before just to prove his point, but this still didn't help my emotions . It helped a little but I know I am still at risk of exploding.

"You have a good foot on you. I still don't know why you don't play for the soccer team" Justin once again broke the silence "and dang girl you have some speed. If you were to play as a forward you would be unstoppable. " This made me smile because my dad always tell me the same thing. But that smile disappeared just as fast as it showed up.

He found my spot. He was fast enough to actually follow me here, great now my secrete get away was not a secrete any  more. 

"Are you just going to give me the silence treatment, or are you going to turn around and talk to me" I don't know why but this triggered something inside me.

Who is he to talk about getting the silence treatment. He has been giving me the silence treatment for the past 4 years. He has never spoken a world to me until today. I finally turn around and let just say I snapped. 

"I'm giving you the silence treatment!!!" my voice was dripping with anger "you've been giving me the silence treatment for the past 4 years. Then out of the blue, you decide to break it today and to top it off you surprise me with giving me a kiss" I was beyond pissed 

I have not clue where all this anger was coming from. I have never spoken to anyone like this before. I never like showing my emotions, I have always been able to keep them in check. But today was the day I finally showed them.

"Was the mega jock to good to speak to the shy smart girl. I never cared though, because that's how how high school works right. The jocks and popular kids don't talk to the nerds unless absolutely necessary. You should be happy I'm not talking to you, or else I will be breaking high school law." By the end of the speech I  tears rolling down my cheeks. It was like all the tears from the past years finally came out, and there was no way of stopping them.

My emotions where all over the place I was mad, sad, annoyed. An overall mess. i never cried, like ever. Now here I am in front of the most popular guy crying my eyes out.

I squatted down and sat on the ball. I put my head on my knees and for once I just let my emotions flow freely. I let out a small sob, which sound so foreign to my ears. The last time I cried this hard was in third grade when I feel from the monkey bars and broke my arm. 

I heard foot steps get closer to me but at this point I didn't care what Justin was doing.

For the second time today Justin shocked me by pulling me up to from the ball and giving me a bear hug and saying softly in my ear "F u CK the rules".

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