Ahsoka's eyes widened. Tyrannus couldn't be the Lord of the Sith until he had an apprentice. She had learned all about Sith custom from Sideous and knew it better than any Jedi. "She could complete the Sith Rule of Two."

Master Windu nodded, then looked at the doors to the elevator. "I would rather she be killed, here, than to let another Jedi be lost to the Dark Side."

Her mind began racing. The press was reporting on Barriss' capture right now. There was a chance that Tyrannus could see it, and he had doubtlessly heard about her first trial. If he had been able to pick up Ahsoka after she was expelled, he was more than capable of doing the same to Barriss if she managed to escape.

There was also the chance that Tyrannus would figure out Ahsoka was alive, but that was priority number two. Her top priority was making sure Barriss didn't leave this building alive.

Even if I have to step in? The Sister asked, a bit hopefully.

Ahsoka considered it. It wasn't preferable, with the Jedi Council here, but...yes. IF it's necessary.

"Between you and me," Master Windu concluded, as the elevator began to slow, "I'm thankful that you're here. You understand what is at risk here, past all the politics and the procedures. If it comes to it, you could be essential to stopping her escape."

"I think it will come to that," she advised, warning him. "She told me yesterday how desperate she was not to be executed. If we give her any opening, she will take it."

Master Windu nodded, and right before the elevator doors opened, he leaned over and quietly said, "We have Jedi spread out in the building, but I'd say you have a better chance of catching her."

The doors opened, and they walked out as if he hadn't just given her permission to take down a murderer.

Master Yoda and Luminara were waiting in the control center for the floor. Security for the whole level ran through here, and the live feed from Barriss's cell was also streaming into the room. When Master Yoda saw Ahsoka, he went with Windu to speak and left Ahsoka with Luminara and the troopers on duty. 

Ahsoka took a minute or so to examine Barriss's cell. It was definitely upgraded and engineered to keep a Jedi contained. It reminded Ahsoka more of the types of cells the Separatists used for captured Jedi, ones that were meant to torture them. This one wasn't torturing Barriss, but then again, at the moment she wasn't struggling to escape.

Luminara stood next to her, waiting patiently for Ahsoka to be ready. Quietly, Ahsoka asked, "How are you taking this? Honestly?"

The Jedi Master spoke in a broken, passive voice. "This is my consequence for neglecting my student. I wish that this wasn't the reality I face, but if it means that things will be made right, then I will bear this consequence."

"It's not all your fault," Ahsoka told her. "There will always be more that everyone could have done, but it was Barriss's choice."

"Your master was confident that you were innocent, and his trust in you proved to be with good reason," Luminara replied. "I had that same faith, and yet.."

It hurt to see her so broken. Ahsoka remembered how proud of Barriss Luminara had once been, even if she never showed it. Now, though, her greatest pride had become her greatest sorrow.  

In the end, she turned to Ahsoka. "I will watch from here, and if any trouble happens I will be the first to come."

One of the troopers piped up from behind them. "We will have hands on the controls. If she tries to fight you, we'll restrain her. Hopefully, you won't have to worry."

Ahsoka nodded and began to walk to her cell. Before she left, Luminara pleaded, quietly, "Try to find the Light in her, please. If anyone can, it's you."

She didn't know if she could, but she smiled for her sake and kept walking. A trooper escorted her to the doors to her cell. "When you are ready to leave, just announce it. I'll hear it out here and get you out."

"Just tell me there isn't a release button I can press," Ahsoka told him, and the trooper shook his head.

"Not a chance. Although, since it's her, it might not make a difference."

Ahsoka sighed. "That's what I was afraid of," she admitted, and she nodded. "Let me in."

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