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Ahsoka deeply appreciated that Anakin offered to pilot a speeder to her house. It meant that she didn't have to deal with the elevators going down. As they sped through the afternoon, however, Ahsoka could tell that something was on the Jedi's mind, something that was making him anxious. She tried to ask about it, but he had turned to her and stared at her with eyes that told her 'Not here', so she had fallen silent and waited.

Sure enough, when Anakin parked the speeder on the street next to her building, he climbed out and joined her going inside. They moved swiftly and silently, walking quickly to Ahsoka's floor. Only when the door sealed and locked behind them did Anakin seem to relax.

Ahsoka walked towards the kitchen to grab water for both of them. Anakin wanted to help her but knew it was a one-person job, so he just sat on the couch and waited for her. It was probably better this way, anyways. He needed to mentally prepare for what was coming next.

She returned with two glasses, and he thanked her quietly before taking a drink. Unfortunately, his hand was shaking, so he set the glass down before Ahsoka realized.

Which she did anyway. "What's got you so worried?" she asked, setting down her own glass.

Anakin just leaned over and folded his hands on his knees. He didn't meet her eyes for a while, and Ahsoka knew that this was big. She didn't say anything but gave him time to think.

Eventually, after almost a full minute, he spoke in a low voice, just barely above a whisper. "No one else is here, right?"

Ahsoka shook her head, turning her head to make sure the blinds were drawn. It was a little after 3 in the afternoon, and most people were still at work. Still, though, they couldn't be too careful.

Anakin sighed. "Just don't...freak out, okay?" He knew he had no right to ask for something like that, especially about something this big, but he felt like if Ahsoka panicked he would do the same, and it was already taking a lot of impulse control to keep his cool.

She nodded, but she still didn't say anything. She didn't need to. Anakin just needed to think, and that was easier if she kept quiet.

Anakin's thoughts were swirling about in his head. He had no idea how to say this. There wasn't one easy way to tell her that wasn't blunt or sudden. Ahsoka was starting to get seriously worried, and was about to ask if he was okay when finally, he just blurted it out: "Padmé's pregnant."

It took all of Ahsoka's self-control to not squeal like a complete fool, but she couldn't keep the surprise off her face. She did, however, let three words slip out of her mouth. "I knew it!" She whisper-yelled, drawing her knees up to her chin.

Anakin's neck turned so quickly it popped. "What?!?"

"Well," Ahsoka amended, "I knew that you and Padmé had something going on, but I didn't know about this part of it. This...this is..." She couldn't finish her sentence but laughed just a little bit. She couldn't contain her joy.

It wasn't the reaction Anakin had expected, but she hadn't been disapproving or disappointed, and that lifted all of his worries from his shoulders. Then a horrifying thought occurred to him. "Wait, if you knew, then..."

Ahsoka gained control over herself when she realized that this could be bad. She calmed down and reassured him, "Don't worry. I just saw a lot more of you two, especially together, than most people."

"Do you think Obi-Wan knows, then? He was there for the Battle of Geonosis, and we got married right after that."

Internally, Ahsoka was screaming. She hadn't realized their relationship was somewhat official, but she kept quiet about it. "If he does know, he hasn't said anything about it. So you haven't told him yet?"

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