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"Hey, wait!" Barriss called, dashing after Ahsoka. She hadn't anticipated for Ahsoka to start running. She followed her, trying to catch up to her, but Ahsoka had a huge head start on her. Barriss used the Force to jump as far as she could forward, but she still had a few meters on her. 

She couldn't tell where Ahsoka was headed, she hadn't spent enough time on the surface to recognize where she was. Ahsoka ran in between the streets, trying to avoid being seen by pedestrians. Barriss appreciated it, it wasn't like she was all that popular these days. Speaking of, Barriss had to get the two of them below ground before someone noticed her. They could talk there. Why had Ahsoka even come up here?

Barriss started wheezing, and her legs began slowing. She hadn't run in a long time, it looked too suspicious. It was much more efficient to hide in the shadows and to meander to and fro every week or so. Her cardio was paying for it though, Ahsoka was outrunning her easily. She's gotten fast.

She jumped again, this time landing in front of Ahsoka. The Togruta skidded to a halt when Barriss' feet hit the roof. If I run now, I don't know how she'll react, she thought. I need to keep her focused on me. Ahsoka kept her distance, though, moving one arm in front to shield her from anything that might come her way. There were only a few meters between them now, and she preferred if that distance didn't decrease.

Now that they were both facing each other, Ahsoka finally got a chance to look at Barriss. She looked absolutely horrible. The clothes she was wearing covered it a bit, but she had lost most of her body fat, and the bottom of her ribs was visible. Her face was a pale, sickly green, and there were dark bags under her eyes. When's the last time she's slept? Or eaten? At least, Ahsoka hoped that was the problem. If she looked like this because she too had given in to the Dark Side, then Ahsoka was in trouble.

Holding her hands up, Barriss stared at her dead in the eye. "I just want to talk, but I can't stay up here. We have to go back to the Lower Levels, Ahsoka. Come on, this way." 

She started towards the nearest shaft, but Ahsoka held her ground. "I'm not going anywhere with you," she declared, periodically glancing up towards the Temple. She needed that backup to come before Barriss took off. 

"Ahsoka, don't be foolish," Barriss chided her, and Ahsoka's blood went cold. "I'm too visible up here, I need cover."

"Why do you think we're up here?" Ahsoka spat, and she walked between Barriss and her exit. There was no way she was going to chase her anymore, so now she was on the hunt and Barriss was going to run. The roles had switched.

The Mirialan laughed nervously. "Ahsoka, come on..." But then she saw the look in her eyes. Cold, hard, unforgiving. "Ahsoka?"

"Now's your chance to talk," Ahsoka growled. "I won't promise that I'll listen very closely, though."

"I didn't come here to hurt you!" Barriss insisted, approaching her. "I promise, I just wanted to speak with you!"

She tried to walk closer, but Ahsoka lifted a hand and threw her backward. "I can't trust a promise from you anymore! I can't trust you at all!"

Barriss rose to her knees, weak from the impact of the landing. "But that's why I came," she gasped. "It's been a year since I last saw you."

"Time doesn't heal wounds that deep, and an apology is long overdue," Ahsoka said, denying her. "Coming to me was a mistake."

"Ahsoka," Barriss begged, standing shakily. "If the Republic gets me, they will kill me."

She didn't respond. Ahsoka set her face and pressed her lips together, brow scrunched, but she didn't move an inch. 

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