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The Jedi, now free to move about, began reuniting with the others and everyone tried to figure out what had happened. Many people began asking where the Council was, and tension rose when they realized that no one knew.

Ahsoka avoided questions by dismissing the clone troopers that had taken the Temple. "Tell Commander Touser that the Jedi Order will establish new leadership soon," she told the men. "They'll decide how to bring back the missing."

The troopers gladly promised to relay the message, and a few of them even saluted her on their way out. She couldn't tell them off for respecting a civilian, though, because they were already turned around and making their way back to the gunships. All she could do was go back inside the Temple and watch those around her.

She decided to not make conversation, for the time being. By sitting next to a wall, she rendered herself nearly invisible for almost ten minutes before she saw Aayla Secura walking intently, looking for someone. Ahsoka stood up and approached her, assuming that she was the person she sought.

When the Jedi noticed her, she relaxed. "I don't think I've ever been this glad to see you, Ahsoka."

The Togruta grinned. "I could say the same. I was beginning to fear that all of you were missing."

Aayla sighed. "Our leaders still are, though." She paused, then drew herself up and continued. "The Jedi Knights must meet together and decide what must be done about the events that have happened here today. Would you mind joining our Padawans downstairs, and caring for the Younglings while we discuss?"

Ahsoka was about five seconds away from asking what in the Father's name Aayla was acting so professional for when she thought better of it. I'm just a civilian now, she realized. I'm going to be treated like one, whether I like it or not. I might as well cooperate, at least, for now. "I'd be happy to help," she answered, and walked towards the nurseries.

She didn't want to deal with the hierarchy of the Jedi Order, but she should have expected it. After so long of living down in the Lower Levels, where rank was barely a thing, she would have preferred if Aayla had just talked to her like a person rather than an inferior. She is stressed out, though, she argued to herself. The entire council of Masters is gone. At least she's taking charge of the situation.

As she descended the stairs, she forgot about it. There was no point in dwelling on it. If the Jedi Order decided that Ahsoka could help, they would tell her. Until then, she would do whatever she could to calm the Younglings and Padawans. They were probably a politer company right now, anyways.

The door to the nursery hall slid open and Ahsoka walked in. All of the rooms for the Younglings branched off from this area, and the little ones congregated here when they weren't training or eating. Normally, caretakers would monitor them, but they needed to be at the meeting so the Padawans were trying to manage them with varying levels of success.

When the occupants of the room noticed she had walked in, many of them surrounded her and started asking a million questions. Ahsoka did her best to answer them, although most of them she didn't have answers to.

"How about we all sit together, and we can all share?" She suggested, and she was almost quite literally dragged to the center of the room, where cushions were waiting for them. The Younglings that knew her best crowded close to her, and O-Mer, Jinx, and Caleb sat beside her.

The most concerned Younglings spoke up first. "Where is Master Ti?" "Where is Master Plo?" "Where is Master Yoda?" "Why aren't the normal people here with us?" "Why did we have to hide?" "What are you wearing?"

Ahsoka gave as clear of answers as she could come up with, and was slightly amused at the more personal ones. Eventually, most of the little ones got bored and went off to practice or spar with each other. The Younglings she had taken to Illum, however, waited patiently for the others to leave so they could take with Ahsoka without interruption.

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