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The engine rooms of the cruisers were always the loudest on board, but while the ship was in hyperspace, it was quiet enough that a small group could maintain a conversation without having to raise their voices. At the same time, they didn't have to worry about being overheard. Both Anakin and Ahsoka had discovered this long ago, and it made sense to them to catch up there rather than somewhere else where someone could walk in at any moment.

It was a little odd for Ahsoka to be here again after having worked three months as a mechanic. Everything looked a lot newer, even if there were a few marks here and there. Most of the ships she repaired were ten years old at least, but these were only as old as the Clone War itself. She found herself wondering what her colleagues would say if they were here.

Anakin was wincing as he walked, due to multiple injuries on his back. Even the Chosen One could not escape unscathed, even if he was in the best condition. Ahsoka made sure to walk slower than normal, so he could keep up without straining himself.

"I wasn't expecting to see you this soon," he confessed, once they were well covered by the background noise of the engines.

She glanced at him. "Neither did I. Twenty-four hours ago, I had no expectation of getting involved in surface life again, and it wasn't like the Changeling gave much of a warning."

Anakin smirked down at her. "How did that actually go?" He asked, well aware that she had omitted a few parts when she had told the Council.

"The Changeling just came down and said that the Order needed my help. Of course, that was just a load of rancor dung, obviously. Even if it were true, they wouldn't have sent him. There were other signs too, but the entire idea was just laughable. It probably scared my coworkers, though," she realized. "In retrospect, knocking out a Jedi doesn't look very good."

Snickering, he doubled over, then groaned at his own sudden movement. "Ow, bad idea."

Ahsoka looked over at the benches along the wall. "Maybe you should sit, just for now."

"Yeah, maybe," he agreed reluctantly, and they walked over so he could rest. Ahsoka knew he hated looking weak or vulnerable, but for some reason, he didn't seem too bothered by it right now. Then again, she thought, he was just in Scarlet Haven.

He stared at her, getting a good look at her for the first time in a month. "You've gotten stronger since the last time I saw you. Have you been training?"

Ahsoka shrugged, hiding a grin. "When I can, after work and whatnot. There's always some kind of trouble to get into in the Lower Levels."

"That wouldn't have to do anything with the lightsabers you have there, would it?" Anakin probed, glancing down at her belt. "I don't remember those either."

She pulled them out, both of them, and smiled at the hilts. "Funny story, now that you mention it." She turned to look at him. "You remember that I lost my lightsabers before the trial, right?"

He nodded, not wanting to interrupt her.

"Apparently, Tyrannus must have tracked them down, because he gave me my own crystals to use in the Inquisitor's lightsaber. I never realized it, and I don't even know if it was on purpose, but either way, I had decided to leave my lightsaber at the Inquisitor's death site."

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