Winter Time

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It was a nice winter day, right after Christmas.

Jun, Violet, Vera and I were all getting bundled up for the weather outside, Danny went home for Christmas, as did Louise with Saito. Sam and Alex headed back to LA while clover stayed here. "So santa actually exists?" Jun asked still shocked. "Yea dude. Fiwi and I delivered gifts for him last year" I explained as I put on my hat and gloves.

"So what's a snow ball fight again?" Violet asked as she wore a purple jacket and black snow pants. "From what I saw in movies and anime we basically throw snow at eachother" Violet said as she wore an all orange snow outfit. All jun had on was a leather jacket and some snow pants. "Yea we are gonna have one. Haru and clover should be over soon" I said. "And we will act as the judge" heather said as she was all bundled up.

Soon the girls came over, both had large snow proof backpacks, soon we headed out to a small little park, upon arriving there we were split up into teams.

"Athius Haru and Vera will be the green team while Jun Clover and Violet will be the Silver team. There will be no usage of your powers as well as no usage of any gadgets that may melt snow balls. You also cannot add in any rocks, stone, gravel, twigs, ice, knifes, sharp metal etc." Heather explained. "Basically don't modify the snow balls." Helena said as she took over for a bit. "Understand?" Helena then asked. We all nodded.

"To win Athius or Jun must announce their surrender. There's gonna be a 30 minute building round for each team to construct their forts, the same rules apply to the forts now..............begin!!" Heather said as she was back in control.

My team and I soon began to make our fort. We had made a nice neat wall that was tall enough for us to be protected by it while sitting down. I had made a small window to peek over to Jun's team fort.

Their fort was similar to ours but looked more like a pile of snow instead of neatly packed snow. "The 30 minutes are up BEGIN!!!!!" Helena Hellen and Heather all said in unison. "EAT SNOW!!!!" I said as I made a few snow balls and threw them at Jun and his team. I was able to get a few hits on them but they had ducked out of the way of some.

"TAKE THIS!!!!" Jun said as a bunch of snow balls were then sent over their snow pile of a fort at us. "Take cover!" I said as I went over Haru and Vera to keep them safe. "Hey I thought we agreed on no powers" I said standing up. "I know but there wasn't any ruling against this!" Jun said as he stood up. On his right arm was stops type of blue and black cannon like device, kinda like a mega man mega buster. It had three blue bumps on top with a handle.

"What is that?" I asked

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"What is that?" I asked. "The WOOHP Snow Ballistic Launcher! Makes and launches snow balls at any speed I want. Don't worry I set it's launching speed to be safe" jun said before opening the blue part and a tube came out. The tube began to suck up some snow.

With a smirk jun began to fire more snow balls at me. In a panic I ducked down right after two or three hit me. "Clover gave that to ya didn't she?" I asked. "Yup!" He said before clover and violet began to throw snowballs at us again.

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