Spies Rise Pt2

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I eventually woke up and was on my aunts couch.

"What happened?" She asked as I got up. I then explained everything to her. "She's a spy?" Aunt Kobayashi asked her eyes widened. "Yeah. Why?" Mikoto asked as she was awake. "Do you work for W.O.O.O.H.P.?" Aunt Kobayashi asked and it was then Mikotos turn to go wide eyed.

"Uh what's W.O.O.O.H.P.?" I asked confused. "W.O.O.O.H.P.  stands for World Organization of Human Protection. And I was a member of it" my aunt said causing my jaw to drop again. "You were a spy Miss Kobayashi!?" Torhu asked as her tail wagged like a dog. "Uh she has a tail" Mikoto said. "Long story short dragon maid. Hey how can you do that Electricity thingy?" I asked.

"I'm an esper. I have electric powers as well as electro magnetic Powers" she explained and continued explaining her powers.

"Ok now talk bout you being a spy" I said towards my aunt. "Similar to your friend Mikoto here I was a spy in my high school years with your mother" aunt Kobayashi said as she went to her book shelf and took out a book.

She opened it and inside was a picture of her and my mom when they were teenagers. My mom was wearing a white cat suit while my aunt wore a black one. "You two were Spies?" I asked. "Yes. I specialized in problem solving as well as computer hacking programming and any other kind of brainy stuff. Your mom was excellent at infiltration and sneak attacks. We were also great masters of disguise." Aunt Kobayashi said reminiscing on the past. "If your a retired agent then why are you living in an apartment? Most of the times a retired W.O.O.H.P agent will be given a large payment and a house" Mikoto said. "Yes but that's the thing. I had to retire at a young age." My aunt said. "Your back pain isn't because of old age isn't it?" I asked. "Hey! I'm only 39 And so is your mother. We are twins after all"  my aunt explained. "Sorry. Wait that bullet wound on your back" I said.

"Bingo. You saw it when we switched bodies." Aunt Kobayashi said. "I did. Let me guess someone shot you?" I asked. "Exactly. You see when it happened i had on a new type of suit. It slowed the bullet down but not enough. My suit ripped and as the bullet went in at an angle. Hit some nerves and messed with my spine. Because of that I had to retire and since I was young at the time I couldn't get the retirement plan. Your mother went on missions less and less, not because she was scared but because she didn't want me to worry. Also even though the pain from the wound is gone because of my posture it causes pain." Aunt Kobayashi explained.

"That's amazing. And when she did retire she was able to get our house?" I asked. "Well your mom never officially retired. When she was 19 she was asked to find a member of the Vongola familia.....that member was your father. He was 19 at the time as well and they fell in love. They dated for 3 years and when they were 22 they got married. Your mom was still 22 when she had you. They were 26 when they vanished and when you went to Ben's world." My aunt said as a tear fell down.

I felt some tears as well and I hugged my aunt. "It's ok Aunt Kobayashi. One day I will save my parents. I promise" I said. "Thanks. Your a great nephew." She said wiping away some tears.

"Anyway we need to save the others" I said. "Hold on. Let me get some old gadgets they let me keep" Aunt Kobayashi said as she went to her room and returned with the small metal case.

When she opened it there was a tube of olive green mascara, a bottle of pepper spray and a thing of perfume. "Uh Thanks?" I asked. "Spy gadgets remember?" Mikoto said taking out the pepper spray. "So What's this? Some type of liquid spray that condensed into foam trapping someone?" Mikoto then asked. "Nope. That is the spray of demands. Spray it in someone's face and they will tell you anything." Aunt Kobayashi said. "Oh. Well this must be a net launching mascara" Mikoto said as she grabbed the mascara. "Wrong again. Acid Mascara. Can melt anything." My aunt explained. "I'm not even gonna guess what the perfume is" Mikoto said sounding defeated.

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