The Hunt

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It was early in the morning on Monday. Just a few days after I adopted Exo and Noir and I was having a video chat with Jerry.

"So that's the alien that crashed in Arizona and was in LA a few days ago?" Jerry asked as Exo was sitting on my shoulder in his mini form.

"Yea. Albedo did a bio scan. Exo has synthetic scales over a robotic body on the inside. He also has size shifting tech inside him which allows him to change from his mini form and then his big gorilla form" I said. "How has he been with Noir and Fin?" Jerry then asked. "They get along very well even though they only just kinda met since it was like 3 days ago" I said.

I then looked at the time. "I should get going to class. See ya" I told Jerry. "I will contact you again if needed" he said as the transmission ended.

I then made sure Exo Noir and Fin all had food and water and I then put on my school uniform. "Ok books check, folders check pens and pencils check. Thermos check, portable ecto net launcher check" I thought looking over all my stuff in my brown messenger bag. "Still can't believe Noir is a Sapphire Sphinx" I said to myself remembering the message Spy Ben sent to me.

Soon Albedo Looma Louise Saito Danny and I headed to school. On the way there we met up with Sam Alex Clover and Mikoto since they live Right next door to my house as well as Tsuna Hayato and Takeshi.

As we were walking we talked and joked about different things. "Hey isn't it weird that we all have the same class?" Danny asked as we began to walk into the school grounds. "I mean not really. I had Albedo set up all of our classes to be together. That and Ms Momoka probably had something to do with it and also probably Jerry did something to have Sam Alex Clover and Mikoto in our class" I whispered to my half ghost friend.

"Oh makes sense" Danny said as we then entered the school itself. The moment we got in we realized how cold it was. "Why is it so cold in here?" Clover asked shivering. "Don't know but it's so cold we can see our breaths" I added as mist would come out of our mouths every time we spoke.

"There's Ms Momoka" Tsuna said pointing to our teacher who had on a pair of sunglasses and a mouth mask on similar to what a sick person would wear. "Ms Momoka is something wrong with the air conditioners in the school?" I asked my teacher.

"Yes there is a bit of an issue" our assassin teacher said with her voice sounding a bit deeper. "Do you have a cold or something?" Sam then asked noticing the change in our teachers voice as well.

"Yes I do. You all better head to class" She said as she walked off. "Something isn't right" I thought as we headed to our class.

Our beginning lesson wasn't much as Ms Momoka told us to do some various different work when suddenly the principal made an announcement.

"Due to the broken air conditioners the entire school will have a special gym event for the rest of the day. Please report in the gym changed and ready. All studies will be postponed till tomorrow." he said.

"Ok then something definitely is up" I thought as we walked into the changing room and put on our gym uniforms.

Soon everyone was in the gym which was just as cold as the school but it was worse as our gym clothes were just tee shirts and shorts. I then noticed Albedo and Looma were both looking kinda sick. "You two ok?" I asked them.

"I-I-I've n-never been in cold weather like this" Looma said as her teeth chattered. "Same" Albedo said as he looked like he was about to pass out. "You two should go home" Mikoto said. "I'll go tell Ms Momoka" Danny said heading to our teacher.

He then returned and said "Albedo Looma you two can head back"

With that Looma and Albedo left. "Alright now we will be playing a special school wide game. But we need one person for a very special role" Ms Momoka said as her and I locked eyes. "Mr. Suisei would you please come up?" She asked.

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