Trouble in Tokyo

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The next day I got up early. This was because after I gained my Omni Armor Albedo wanted to see it in action so him and I went into the training room in my basement.

"Ok Athius show me what you got" Albedo said as he dialed up an alien and then transformed into Negative Ultimate Rath.

"Ok question how are you able to go Ultimate right away?" I asked

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"Ok question how are you able to go Ultimate right away?" I asked. "It's a special modification to my Ultimatrix. Now show me one of your Omni armored aliens. A different one that is so you know who you can become." he said as he cracked his knuckles.

"Well here's the thing I don't know which aliens can and can't use the Omni Armor. Like how I can only go Ultimate with some aliens." I said with a nervous chuckle.

"Because Omni Armor is new you only have 4 forms, new forms will become available over time." Trixi said. "Ok then. In that case Trixi only allow Athius to turn into his Omni Armor forms. Alien DNA lock code 17-82" Ultimate Rath said. "Code excepted. Four aliens allowed in rotation at the moment" Trixi said.

"Wait that's a thing?" I asked. "Of course. Why do you think Ben and Leena started out with 10 aliens each and unlocked more over time?" Ultimate Rath explained. "Fair point" I said.

Looking through my aliens I had Fourarms XLR8 and Astrodactyl. "Hm let's go fourarms!" I said transforming into my tetramand form. Once transformed I activated my omni Armor.

Armor that resembled fourarms clothing soon surrounded my body, a large white X appeared on my chest as I gained spiked shoulder pads. A red helmet with a large yellow visor soon went over my head. The biggest change was my arms. My two main arms were surrounded by metal cables and large metal fists, while my lower right arm got an energy whip and the lower left arm had a gatling gun.

Omni Armor FourarmsInfo: Omni Armor Fourarms comes from the DNA of a Tetramand with the Omni Armor feature

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Omni Armor Fourarms
Info: Omni Armor Fourarms comes from the DNA of a Tetramand with the Omni Armor feature. With this Armor Fourarms is now stronger and faster than before. Using his upper mechanical arms he can reach further objects as they are capable of extending and retracting. His upper fists also have the capability of becoming weapons such as heavy blades by having the fingers combining to form sword blades, hammers through the fists becoming large and rectangular and finally maces as his fists become large spiked balls on energy chains. His lower arms have two different weapons however. The lower left arm is an energy whip and the lower right am is a Gatling gun. His lower arms can also become blasters. The omnitrix is now located on his chest so both of his shoulder have armor. Now stronger than female Tetramand. Visor has a built in targeting system to help find potential weak points and help aim the whip and upper arms.
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Reflexes
Enhanced Jumping
Strong Teeth
Sonic Clap
Shock Waves
Heat Resistance
Upper arms become melee/close range weapons including mace
Lower arms become long range weapons.

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