Athius gets an upgrade

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(A/N: hey guys Flame here. So the answers for the Easter eggs in last chapter: Shaggy from Scooby Doo BraedimusSupreme transformatrix Oc Braedey, Steven From Steven Universe and Yuma Tsukumo From Yugioh Zexal. humatrix-X-24 won and you'll see what he gets as a winner. Anyway play the vid)

Was the first thing I heard waking up. "Finally Saturday" I said turning off my alarm clock. Looking down at my chest I saw Fin, Noir and Exo sleeping in my chest. "Wake uo you three" I said rubbing their heads.

Soon the three got up and saw me. "Hey" I said. "Brap!" Fin said wagging his tail. "Mrow" noir said as she nuzzled my cheek. Exo then let out a small grunt as he nodded. The three soon hopped off my chest and ran down stairs.

I soon followed and went down stairs. "Morning Athius!" Hellen said greeting me. "Morning Hellen. You too Helena and Heather" I said greeting my hydra assistant.

"So what are you gonna do today?" Heather asked as she took control. "Well Haru Kyoko Tsuna and I are gonna hang out today." I said. "Ok how many times do you four hang out?" Albedo asked as he was looking over some things. "It's was earth teens do" I said with a shrug. "Besides I'm glad to be doing this. Back in bens world I didn't have many days off." I added. "So what you looking at?" I asked. "Nothing much. The computer picked up some strange warp signal but it was small" Albedo said.

"Hopefully there's no situation involving me having to go hero. Kyoko only knows about me being green shade from Monday a few days ago but that's it." I thought.

After eating I got dressed in my usual clothes, I then headed out and met up with Haru Kyoko and Tusna, all were wearing their usual outfits, Tsuna in his white and orange hoodie Kyoko wearing a pink jacket over a white shirt and blue jeans while Haru was wearing a yellow pullover hoodie and white yoga pants.

"Hey tsuna" I said fist bumping Tsuna. "Hey Athius" he said with a smile. "Morning Haru you too Kyoko." I said to the girls and kisses Haru in the cheek. "Morning Athius" Kyoko said with a bow. "Morning! Now let's go!" Haru said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me.

We soon arrived at a newly opened mall.

"This is so cool" I said looking around

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"This is so cool" I said looking around. "So where are we gonna go first?" Tsuna asked. "Let's just walk around" I said as we looked around.

Out of the corner of my eye though I thought I saw something move. "Must have been nothing" I thought as we began to walk around.

As we looked around the mall I couldn't help but feel as if we were being followed. Suddenly I got an alert on my phone from Albedo. His text read "Athius there was a loud explosion at a ship yard as 3 strange red black and orange robots were seen. Your the closest so hurry."

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