Dancing with Danger

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"Do ya think it's weird nothing happened during November?" Jun asked me as we were in a WOOHP Jet with Sam Alex Clover Haru and Mikoto. "Nah it happens sometimes. Oh hey our birthday is this Month" I said.

"Sweet. So why we in this jet again?" Jun then asked. "We are heading to England as there is some strange activity happening, mostly robberies at fancy parties as well as at jewelry shops and it's believed that there may be the same type of robbery at a fancy dance" Sam explained. "And that's why I'm here too!!" Volt, my half human half Nosedeenian best friend said as he appeared from a lightbulb. "Volt what are you doing here?" I had asked my friend.

That's when Mikoto spoke up. "I asked Volt to come by to aid us in any electrical problems that I may not be able to handle." she said. "This is gonna be so amazing!! A fancy dance I can't wait" clover said dreamily.

"Clover we are on a mission to stop these robbers." Alex said. "Now we all will have fake ID's to get in. This is incase who ever is gonna rob the party knows any of us. The party guest list has no images just names" Sam added. "But we will need to dance to not draw attention to ourselves" Mikoto said as she took out some dresses. "My first fancy dance spy mission! This is just like the movies" Haru said. "Yea but we gonna get shot at and it won't be so easy to not get shot." Jun said.

"I'll stay on the outside of the party as recon" I said. "Why's that Bro?" Jun then asked. "I mean if we could limit the amount of property damage we should cause the thief's could be coming in through the roof." I explained. "Ok then" jun said shrugging.

The jet soon landed at a private WOOHP Air field upon landing I activated my translator for Haru so she can speak English now. The girls then all got dressed in dresses. Sam had on an emerald green dress, Alex had a bright yellow dress, Clover had a deep red dress on, Mikoto was wearing a blue dress and Haru had on a silver dress.

Jun then got dressed wearing a black suit, white shirt and a silver tie while Volt dresses up as a worker for the party while I dressed in an all black outfit. "Here in case you join in" Mikoto said handing me a large case. "Ok thanks. Let's do this" I said as we all headed out.

As the others arrived to the building in which the dance was gonna be at while I used Spidermonkey to climb up the building with the case.

After turning hero I looked into the party and everything was going good so far.

"So why'd ya set yourself up there?" Jun asked me telepathically. "No reason" I answered. "I smell bull and it's not the filet mignon" my twin then said telepathically.

"Ok fine. It's because....I'm kinda nervous with fancy dances like this" I explained. "Wut" he then said. "Well I may be a pretty good dancer when I'm by myself but I can't do any formal dances. I never thought I would ever have to." I told my brother.

"So you don't wanna dance down here cause ya can't?" Jun then asked. "Yup" I replied.

So far things were going pretty well until I noticed that Alex and Sam were missing. "Sam Alex you two there?" I asked through our COM systems but I got nothing but static.

"Haru,Jun,Clover, Volt, Mikoto I lost radio contact with Sam and Alex. Somethings up" I said to my fellow spies. "I'll try to find them" Volt said as he hung up. "I'll help him" Mikoto said as she hung up as well.

An hour or so later I haven't heard from Volt or Mikoto. "Ok somethings up now. I've now lost radio contact with Volt and Mikoto" I said though our COM units again. "I'm coming down now" I said.

I soon opened the case Mikoto gave me. A manikin then folded out of the case. It was a long blue coat over a tan vest on a white shirt with a blue tie as well as black pants.

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