A body swapping experience

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After my Christmas party Haru Tsuna my aunt Tsuna Hayato and Takeshi were taken to a party held by a group known as the Council of Infinite Tens which were the children of Alternate Ben's. I even got to see Ezra Ken and Kelly grown up. I also got some cool energy clips for my VB-10x as well as some spare parts for my car the Blazing Racer. After the party we headed home and I had Haru promise not to tell anyone about it. Days after that we had a New Year's Eve party.

(A/N: To see/read what fully happened at the party check out humatrix-X-24 council of infinite tens story. With out further ado let's move onto the story.)

After the party nothing much happened but me and the others had to get ready for school in my downstairs laboratory. "It's been boring lately" I said going over my notes with Saito and the others.

"Yea. Just some bank robbers" Danny said. "Not even a Forever knight" Saito then said. "Hey Albedo What are you working on?" Saito then asked seeing as the Galvan was working on something. "Oh nothing." Albedo said as Looma walked through a door. "What's behind that door?" My aunt asked as she was also over because Torhu is Louise's magic mentor. "Oh well to prevent people from questioning the house I made a lower level for Albedo Danny Saito Louise and Looma" Fiwi said.

"That and the guest room was getting crowded as well as the couch and my parents room is off limits" I said. "It's getting late. I'll get Torhu and we will head home" my aunt said. "I'll come too" I said as we went through the door which lead to a lobby like area and then to a library where Torhu and Louise were. "You need to work on your spells but your getting better" Torhu said cleaning off some dust on her dress. "It's getting late. Time to go Torhu" my aunt said. "Ok. By Louise"

"One more spell!" Louise said as she chanted something and two energy balls appeared but an explosion happened. I got hit with something and I slowly blacked out but last thing I saw was Torhu over my body for some reason but I was then out.

I soon awoke to my alarm clock and hit snooze. "Sounds different" I thought as I sat up and opened my eyes but things were blurry for a bit. "Weird. Gah why does my back hurt?" I thought rubbing it. "Where's my stuff?" I then thought looking around squinting.

"Morning Miss Kobayashi!" Torhu said as she walked into my room. "Kobayashi?" I asked and looked down seeing the omnitrix was gone. "Where's the omnitrix!?" I asked feeling around for it in the covers and my wrist. "Why would you have the omnitrix?" Torhu then asked. "Because I'm Athius!" I said. Torhu then began to laugh. "Very funny" She said.

I then saw my aunts glasses and put them on. "It can't be" I said as I ran to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. "HOW DID THIS HAPPEN!?!?!?!" I screamed seeing my aunts reflection. To make sure I wasn't dreaming I pinched my cheek, stubbed my toe and did other things to try and wake myself up but no avail. "I'm not dreaming. How is this possible?" I said. Then it all clicked. "LOUISE!!!!" I screamed angrily.

"When I get my hands on that little pink haired witch!" I declared angrily. "Wait how do we know you aren't trying to trick us?" Torhu asked. "Your maid outfit looks pretty good" I said. "Yep you aren't Miss Kobayashi. She normally says my outfit looks like a cafe maid." Torhu said. "Let's go" I said and then went pale. "I have to get dressed." I just thought.

It was......embarrassing to say the least changing in my aunts body. After I did though I was wearing a teal green hoodie and tan pants. Strangely though there was a box in her closet which looked like some type of briefcase for spy gadgets of sorts. "What That?" I Thought but decided to leave it be.

"Ok let's go" I said looking at my aunts calendar. "Good thing today is a day off for her" I thought. "Let's fly Torhu" I said.

With that Kana and I flew to my place on Torhu's Back.

Once we landed I opened the front door with the spare key I gave my aunt. "LOUISE!!!!" I yelled as I Burst in seeing Louise on the floor with bumps on her head and my body still in pajamas holding a paper fan. "There's my body" my aunt said in my body. "Miss Kobayashi!!!" Torhu said hugging my body. Torhu then said "Wait since your a boy now we can have ba-" "NOT HAPPENING!!!" My aunt and I yelled at the same time.

Later Louise woke up. "You dare hit me!!" She said. "Fix us or else I'll explain how the omnitrix works to my aunt" I said. Louise then went down a bit. "Why don't we aske Fiwi?" Danny asked. "Won't work. This is a case in which you guys have to wait till the right moment." The genie explained. "Like how you couldn't make the star ring appear. I had to earn it" I said. "Yes exactly. Louise needs to figure out how to fix this" Fiwi said.

"What if you try?" Looma asked. "Well I can actually fix this but it would be against the Djin law and the Queen of Djins will force me back into my lamp as punishment." Fiwi added. "So what is there a book of rules?" Danny asked.

Fiwi then laughed. "A book of Rules for a wish granting entity? That would be silly. Genies have a small set of rules. Mainly we must grant the 3 wishes of who ever finds our lamp as long as there isn't any ill will behind it. Like I can't kill a person with my magic. But also with a case like this or Athius's star ring we must wait till the time is right" Fiwi explained. "So you just have 1 rule but there are conditions you can and cannot do" my aunt explained.

"I'll help Louise with the reversal spell." Torhu said. "So what do we do?" I asked. "Wait why were we in pajamas?" I asked. "Oh I helped" Fiwi said.

"Ok thanks" my aunt said. "Should I ask about that case? Hm. Nah it's probably something personal" I thought and then felt something. "Oh no. I gotta go" I said blushing.

"Oh yea your in a female body" Fiwi said. "Here's what you do" Fiwi said as she whispered to me how to go as a girl.

"Thanks" I said embarrassed and went to use the bathroom. Once I was done I saw something. "What?" I said as I lifted up the hoodie and saw what looked like a bullet wound. "It's old. Very old. How did she get shot?" I thought as I washed up pulled the hoodie down and walked out.

"We are ready!!!!" Torhu said when suddenly the bases alarm went off. "Crime alert" I said. "Think you can switch us fast?" I asked. "It will take time to get the spell ready" Torhu said. "Ok let's go" I said putting on my Plumber armor. It looked similar to Rooks but was white and green. "Aunt Kobayashi put on my other Plumber suit" I said giving her suit similar to what most plumbers wore. "And use the VB-10X and not the omnitrix." I said butting on a motorcycle helmet and grabbing an energy riffle.

"Time to go" I said as we headed off and saw some bank robbers.

"You should-" I said as my aunt ran forward and took out the robbers with my VB-10x.

We soon headed home. "How did you do that?" I asked my aunt as we headed to Torhu and Louise.

"Uh I took karate when I was younger" my aunt replied. "I don't think that's the case though. Some of those moves I couldn't do" I thought.

With that Louise swapped our bodies back.

"Thanks. Now don't do that again" I said.

That night I had a strange feeling there was more to my aunt then I knew of and that something will is coming.

A/N: Ey peps Flame here. So like I said if you wanna know more of the Christmas party check out humatrix-X-24 Council of Infinite Tens book. BYE

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