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I entered school the next day, everyone smiled at me.

"Welcome back, y/n, feeling better?" Kirishima asked as I took my seat, I nodded.

"100% better, thank you," I nodded, "but Shad's not going to be here. He got injured yesterday and is stuck on hospital bed rest."

"Oh yeah, I heard about that," Iida walked over, "I wish him a speedy recovery."

"As do I," I nodded, "it's been weird not having him around."

"Anyway, you really missed out during the sports festival," Mina jumped over, "it was so cool!"

"Yeah, I watched a bit while I was in bed," I nodded, "you all looked super cool!"

I shot my thumbs out in a thumbs up gesture.

"Go 1-A!" I cheered, everyone grinned and repeated what I said before they all took their seats as the bell indicating homeroom sounded through the school.

"Good morning," Aizawa greeted us when he entered the classroom.

"Good morning, Mr Aizawa," we all greeted him back.

"You don't have bandages anymore, that's good news," Tsu pointed out.

No more mummy Aizawa? Damn... I didn't even get to see it. Disappointing.

"The old lady went overboard on her treatment," Aizawa replied, "anyway, we have a big class today, our hero informatics."

Hero infor-what?

Everyone became extremely stressed. What's hero informatics? Something to be worried about?

"You need code names," Aizawa broke everyone's moment of devastation, "time to pick your hero identities."

Everyone cheered. I let out a breath of relief now knowing it wasn't really a big deal.

"It's just a name, what's there to get excited about?" I asked, tilting my head to the side curiously.

"You'll be known by this name for the rest of your hero career!" Uraraka exclaimed, "it's not just a name. It's your whole future!"

"I think that's a bit over-exaggerating," I muttered before sighing and looking to Aizawa again.

Aizawa is activated his quirk to silence everyone's excitement so he could speak and further explain what's happening.

"This is related to the pro hero draft picks that I told you about the last time we were in class together," Aizawa started to elaborate, "normally students don't have to worry about the draft yet, not until their second or third year, actually. But your class is different, in fact, by extending offers to first years like you, pros are essentially investing in your potential. Any offers to you can be terminated if their interest in you dies down before graduation."

"Stupid selfish adults," Mineta snapped, slamming his fist on his desk as he trembled, out of anger or fear I haven't the slightest clue. He's a bit confusing.

"So what you're saying is we have to prove ourselves after we've gotten recruited?" Hagakure asked.

"Correct," Aizawa replied, "now, here are the totals for those of you who got offers."

He clicked a button on a remote and we all looked to the blackboard.

Todoroki: 4123
Bakugo: 3556
Tokoyami: 360
Iida: 301
Kaminari: 272
Yaoyorozu: 108
Kirishima: 68
Uraraka: 20
Sero: 14
Shad: 4

Wow, someone actually wanted to recruit Shad's crappy prediction quirk?

"In past years its been a bit more spread out, but there's a pretty big gap this time," Aizawa told us.

Subject 05066: Success | Villain Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now