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Kirishima's PoV

"It's been reported that two members of Numéros, Ten and Zero, who infiltrated UA High School under the aliases of f/n l/n and Shad l/n, have died after falling in an old abandoned drop mine from the mining era."

I looked up to the TV with wide eyes.

"Shad..." I looked away sadly.

"What's the matter, dear?" my mum came over, "You're crying..."

"I'm what?" I questioned as she wiped a tear from my cheek.

"What's up?" she asked.

"You know that guy I told you I was going to ask out?" I looked to her sadly, she nodded.

"Yeah, I remember you saying he was someone you really liked and you also came out as bi to me then too," she nodded.

"Well, I just got news that he... He's gone," I looked down sadly.

"Oh, honey," she gave me a hug, "I'm sorry. But he won't be your first love, OK? You'll fall for many others. But you'll always remember him. No matter what, you need to move past this and continue getting stronger."

Yeah... I guess...

Shadows' PoV

"Is it true, Enki?" Lois asked as I walked into the Ambié household, "are y/n and Shad really evil?"

"Lois," Simone put his hand out in an attempts to stop her.

"No, it's alright," I nod, "they aren't evil. Looking back, at the beginning of the year, they were definitely forcing going along with the hero course. But by the camp... Mandalay said it seemed like they forced themselves to go with Numéros."

"Yeah but it's kind of like they spun the truth until we were all too dizzy to tell truth from lie," Simone looked down slightly irritated, "to think I harboured not only villains but liars as well... In my own home!"

"Calm down, Simone," Lois placed her hand on his arm, "Ymira is in bed."

"Right. You're right," he nodded, "but how to we explain this to her? She loved the two of them..."

"You don't," I spoke up, "tell Ymira that they've gone home, back to Korea...and they won't be coming back."

"Now look at who's twisting the truth," Simone rolled his eyes.

"Look, I'm just protecting my niece," I sighed, "and besides, I've not really twisted it. They're both dead. There's no way that they're coming back. Anyway, I've got to get back to UA, we're working on a dorm system and I'm being sent out to talk to the third and second year hero course parents with Snipe. It's going to be a long day."

A long day, indeed.

One's PoV

Myself, Five and Eight were walking through a small town when we pass an electronics store.

"It's been reported that two members of Numéros, Ten and Zero, who infiltrated UA High School under the aliases of f/n l/n and Shad l/n, have died after falling in an old abandoned drop mine from the mining era."

We all stopped and looked at the screen.

"Oh damn," Five sighed, "we might be next if we don't hurry out of this damn town."

"Yeah," Eight nodded, "come on, let's get out of here."

We began walking again and I noticed a couple giant guys following us.

"We've got company," I announced before redirecting our route down and alleyway where we put our masks back on, "be ready for anything. We got a couple of funny guys on our back."

Two's PoV

"Oh come on, Seven, if we don't keep going then we might get caught," I roll my eyes as Seven seemed to just stare out into nothing.

"Sorry," she shook her head and zoned back into the world, "I can't feel Zero or Ten's presence."

"What?" I asked, "are you mad? Is your head OK? Any headaches?"

"No!" she snapped, "one minute I could feel them the next... Poof. It was gone."

"Poof?" I repeated sarcastically, "like disappeared poof or death poof?"

"I'm unsure," she shrugged, "it'll take me a little more time to figure it-- whoa-- duck!"

I ducked just as an arrow went cutting through the air right where my forehead previously was.

"Holy mother of baguette, what the hell was that from?" I exclaimed before standing up.

"Run," was all Seven said before sprinting, I followed quickly after as the sound of constant shooting of bows and fire arms filled the air.

Goddamn these heroes!

Three's PoV

"Let me go!" I shouted, anger was rushing through me as Endeavour pushed me towards one of those horrible tube things they take villains away in, "Don't do this to me! Please let me go!"

"We don't let villains go," he said stressing on the word villains, "especially hero killers."

"I was just doing me job," I shouted, trying to shake myself loose from his grip, "I was just following my orders! I'm not like you people who got the option to choose good or evil. I was created into this life! We all were!"

"Yeah right," he rolled his eyes and threw me into the tube. I shouted as the door closed. Tears pricked at the corner of my eyes.

Don't leave me in here... It's too small...

"Just breathe, Three, we'll get out of here! I promise!" I heard Four shout from her capture tube thing, "someone will get us, I know it."

I hope so...

Subject 05066: Success | Villain Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now