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Groaning, I sit up, holding my head as it throbbed under my hold. Looking around, I noticed beds filled with my friends and teammates then the events of the day came into my mind.

"Shit," I cursed to myself as my gaze met the gaze of Dr Houser, "How're you alive?"

"We watched you crumble to the floor!" Klaus (Eight) exclaimed with wide eyes as he staggered back a few places.

"Let's see..." Dr Houser hummed, "let's just say the person who you killed wasn't me. It was a fellow researcher with a disguise quirk."

"You mean we killed an innocent?!" Rose (Seven) exclaimed, anger visible in her eyes.

"I wouldn't say that they were innocent, Se-- Rose," Sky (One) said, "they helped test on us. They weren't anything but evil."

"I mean, we weren't any light in the darkness either," Kristopher (Two) reminded them, "but that doesn't explain why you're here."

"I've merely come to finish what I started," Dr Houser said with a smile that was too friendly for him.

"What does that mean?" I asked, frowning as myself and Damien (Six) grabbed one of Shad's arms each and pulled him to his feet, well, as much as we could. He was unconscious so he wasn't too helpful...

"Now," Dr Houser said before the sound of something being shot echoed through the area and Damien (Six) dropped to the floor, I caught Shad quickly and groaned as I was dragged to the floor with him, not landing exactly...nicely. It hurt. A lot.

"What in the name of Attenborough was that?" Paris (Five) whipped around as everyone began looking for the source. We were surrounded by a ton of men in black suits and sunglasses wielding what looked to be tranquilliser guns.

I turned Damien (Six) over and looked to where he was hit.

"Those aren't tranquillisers," I mumbled as I pulled the needle out and inspected the disgusting black veins that seemed to be pulsating from his neck.

"That's disgusting," Sky (One) cringed at the sight of his neck and then looked at the dozens of men around us, "we can't get hit by those darts or we're all going to be knocked out."

"I'm not giving you a choice," Dr Houser announced, his form flickering, "this hologram is dying so I want this over quick. Now take them all down before they can react properly!"

"What?!" we all shouted as we stood up and started to form our weapons, for the first time ever it seemed like my scythe was taking decades to appear.

Come on...

They finished loading some of the darts into their guns.

Just a little longer...

Pushing their guns up to aim, they pull back the safety and stare us down.

Come on scythe!

One by one each man in back shot seemingly a tsunami of darts at us. It was like in a movie where dozens of archers shot thousands of arrows and it looks so amazing but so deadly at the same time.


I grabbed the handle of my scythe and swung it around just in time to stop a dart from hitting me.

"I refuse to go down without a fight," I mumbled to myself, swinging my scythe back and forth, hitting any and all darts that flew in my direction.

"Landon (Four)!" Elias (Three) shouted, I looked over to see Landon lying on the floor, those black veins on his arm where he was hit. Elias dropped next, not paying attention to what was happening and got hit in the leg.

"God damn it," Klaus (Eight) rolled his eyes. I quickly dropped and rolled out of the way before standing up again and ending up beside him.

"So," I started, "Dr Houser seems to want us dead, how do you feel about that?"

"Like I want to watch him die all over again," he replied, well, more like snarled before sighing, "call Enki. Or that Aizawa dude. They may be able to get here quickly."

I nodded as he stepped in front of me and I pulled my phone out. Scrolling through my contacts, I find Shadows' contact and press it. Just as I finished typing 'we need' Klaus (Eight) dropped to the floor, I looked around to see everyone else was down too. Looking back down, I try to finish typing just to feel something hit me. A small stinging sensation shot through me before it dulled and then I found myself getting dizzy and falling down again.

Just before I completely lost consciousness, I heard one last thing from Dr Houser: 'remind them of who they are. Don't worry, the heroes won't be able to find me. Myself, my lab and everyone in it will disappear soon enough.'

And now I'm here. In a hospital.

"Zero?" a voice broke through the dimness of the room, "I mean-- y/n."

"Yeah," I nodded and looked around until my eyes landed on Maya (Nine) who was slowly sitting up, rubbing her head, "you feeling OK?"

"Nah not really," Maya replied, "my head is throbbing, my wrist is sore and I feel like someone whacked me with a sack of potatoes over and over. How about you?"

"Pretty much the same," I nodded, "I wonder what he meant."

"What?" she frowned as she got up and wobbled her way over to my bed before taking a seat on the end, "what who meant?"

"Dr Houser," I stated, "just before I lost consciousness, he said that he, the lab, and everyone within will disappear..."

"Maybe he has a way to wipe everyone's memory of them?" she suggested, I shrugged.

"Maybe..." I trailed off, "...or it could be something more literal."

"You mean like a...massacre?" she asked.

"I don't know," I shrugged again, "maybe... We should warn someone."

I went to jump out of my bed but a wave of dizziness blacked out my vision and I was forced to sit down again.

"Maybe later though..." I sighed.

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