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Six's PoV

"What is that?" Nine asked. A large hairy foot stepped out of the doorway, now completely. A hand with giant claws, covered from wrist to finger tip in brown fur. Another hand caught the opposite frame, another foot stepped out and then the head.

First it was a patch of black, slowly stretching into a snout, a set of dark orbs stared into our souls.

"Is that a..." Nine trailed off.

"Werewolf?" I finished, "looks like it."

A deep, terrifying growl rumbled from deep in the werewolf's chest.

"Allow me to introduce to you: 09002," Dr Houser's voice echoed over the speakers, "you two know the drill. It's fight or fall."

The speaker seemed to let out a static noise before cutting out completely.

"Six..." Nine trailed off, "what-- what are we going to do?"

"Avoid... That?" I replied, unsure and anxious as I stepped back.

"There must be a person under there...right?" she asked, her hair seemingly bursting with light as the fire on it grew outwards.

"Dude," I winced, stepping away as a finger of fire snapped at me, "control your hair."

"Sorry," she calmed herself down before freaking out, "duck, Six ! Duck!"

A giant claw came flying towards me, I tried to heed Nine's warning but failed miserably as the giant hand grabbed my face and hurled me into a wall.

I landed and let out a sharp gasp as I dropped to the floor.

"Ow," I winced, rolling over before something grabbed the back of my trousers and lifted me up. I looked up to come face to face with the face of a wolf.

"Oh...god..." I stared at it, frozen in fear.

"Let him go!" Nine shouted before a giant burst of fire filled the gap between my face and the werewolf's. I was dropped again and I quickly pushed myself away.

"You know what," I growled, "want to play werewolf? I can play werewolf."

I stood up and stretched out my shoulders before begining to change, my bones cracked and crunched weirdly as they grew out and fur covered my body. My canines grew out into long sharp points as my nose grew out into a snout.

"Impressive," Nine commented from behind me, "You're identical to that thing..."

I let out a low growl in response before catching the other werewolves fist, this time fast enough to react.

Three's PoV

"Damn door is glued," Eraserhead sighed as he stepped away from the heavy iron door, separating us from the observation room over the arena.

"Need help?" Four appeared, walking towards us with Eight, and a few members of his team missing.

I gestured for him to step forward. He stretched his arms out forward and clicked his fingers and neck before his  silver hair and grey skin glowed a brilliant yellow, his black eyes adopted a green narrow slit down the centre.

"Just punch the damn door," Eight rolled his eyes, "we don't have all day."

"Patience, Eight, patience," Four rolled his eyes back before taking a deep breath in and looking at the door.

I growled, annoyed, before kicking him into the door. His quirk dented it and made it slam down onto the floor with a loud thud.

"You were taking too long," I walked over him and into the room, "crap it's Nine-- and two... Wolf men?"

"One of them is Six, you idiot," Eight pushed past me and over to the mic. She pressed the red button and spoke into it.

"Six and Nine, hold on, we're coming down," she announced before letting go of the button and stepping away, looking around, "there should be an escape hatch around here."

"Wait," Four spoke up, we all turned to him, "Zero wasn't in her cell. Someone needs to go to the lab, Five was tracking her, and someone needs to continue finding everyone."

"You go," Eight nodded to him, somehow pulling the tracking compass out of his arm, "we can handle this. Actually, take the number two with you, god only knows what would happen if you run into Dr Bitch and his little puppies."

Four looked to Shadows who just sighed and nodded, gesturing for him to follow.

"We'll continue rounding the others up," I gestured to myself, Eraserhead, Ectoplasm and Snipe.

"Guess I get to do the runt work, huh?" Eight rolled his eyes before continuing to look around, "get out of here."

"Right," we all nodded.

"Five and One are upstairs," I said to the three heroes behind me, "let's go."

We ran towards the stairs, I threw the door up and jumped up the stairs, two at a time.

The first door that came up was Six's cell so we continued to the next door.

"Number," I mumbled to myself before remembering and typing '05042' into the small metal plate. The door opened and I pulled it open completely to see Five completely passed out on the floor.

Walking over, I placed my fingers on her neck.

"You're alive so wake up," I grumbled, shaking her shoulder. I sighed and put my hand over her face and made a crap ton of water fall on her face. She jerked forward, gasping in shock.

"Sweet mother of the evening," she exclaimed before meeting my gaze, "what the hell did you do that for?"

"It's no time for napping," I replied, standing up, I pulled her up with me.

"What's happening? Wait where am-- no way," Five's eyes widened as she recognised the cell, "that son of a bitch-- I'm going to kill him."

"Get in line," I grumbled.

Her eyes landed on the heroes lingering in the doorway.

"What's with the rats in the hallway?" she asked.

"They're freeing us of everything," I replied cryptically, "come on, we need to grab One and get to the next building."

She nodded and followed me out of the room again.

"05068," Five mumbled out loud as she punched the numbers into the code box of the next door. It opened and One walked out straight away.

"Thank you," he nodded to us, "I couldn't stay in there any longer."

Subject 05066: Success | Villain Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now