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I coughed and sat up, reaching for my phone as it rung loudly.

'All for One is calling...'

Oh crap. He never calls. He only texts. What the hell does he want when I'm sick to hell?


"Zero. A job."

A job? Oh yay...

"Sir I'm--"

"You'll be taking down Air with Three."

"But I--"

"You leave immediately."

The call ended with a loud beep as I tried to tell him I was sick.

"Guess I've got to work even when I feel like I'm dying," I sighed before grabbing a sign and hooking it on my door handle to stop Mrs Ambié from trying to check on me before closing it and locking it again.

I changed my outfit and then climbed out of my window after looking at the address sent to me.


"Zero, you finally made it," Three met me.

I coughed a little.

"Yep," I nodded, "sorry it took so long."

"Yo, you don't sound good," Three leaned forward, "I bet you're pale as my snow behind that mask of yours."

"Yeah yeah, All for One wouldn't listen to me," I rolled my eyes, "he must really want the Elements team gone or he'd have listened. Anyway, let's get this over with so I can get back home and just die in a pile of self pity while I watch Ten get beaten up in the UA Sports Festival."

"He's actually doing that?" Three asked, I nodded, "wow. He's really getting into that undercover thing, isn't he? Starting to think he's enjoying it."

Oh shit. If he is actually enjoying being in the hero course this whole thing will become so much more complicated. We're in deep shit now.

"Nah," I shook my head, "he's just acting."

"Whatever you say, now come on, Air waits for no one."


"Air waits for no one, huh?" I asked, glaring at Three as we hung upside down by our feet.

"OK, he clearly was waiting for us," Three nodded, "Good news. Our identities are still hidden?"

"I hate you so much," I shook my head at him, pulling myself up so I can try and reach my feet but found gravity didn't want that and flopped back down.

"Is your scythe like Ten's?" Three asked, "you know, cuts through anything?"

"No," I shook my head, "why don't you freeze the chains until they break? Hello, obvious job alert."

"Oh yeah," he nodded, slamming his closed fist into an open palm like the idea wasn't obvious. He's so stupid sometimes. How irritating.

The rooms temperature dropped dramatically as the white horns within the mess of his brown hair glowed brightly and small flakes of snow started to fall from his horns and hands.

I watched as a layer of frost travelled up mine and his chains holding us up. The temperature kept falling until it was at the point of me shivering to hell and back and the chains finally giving way and dropping us to the floor. Pushing my hands out, I press them off the floor and toss myself up before landing on my feet again, shaking the last of the chains off before looking to Three to see him lying on the floor.

"Stupid, get off the floor, we have a job to do," I spun around and began walking in the direction Air had walked off in, making my scythe manifest in my hands as I did.

"You're no fun to work with, you know that, right?" Three asked, he ran to my side with a pair of nunchucks in each hand, "Four would be cracking jokes around about now."

"Do I look like Four to you?" I asked with a glare, "You're annoying. Why can't I just have Ten back? Oh wait-- because he's in the stupid festival."

"And you need me because you're sick!" Three said cheerfully.

"I don't need you," I shook my head, "You're just a very useful addition to my suffering."

"Whatever you say, stone heart woman," he laughed a little before stopping and looking around the corner, "Air is in there. Meditating by the looks of it."

"I never understood the Elements' obsession with meditation," he whispered, "it's weird."

"People say its a way they can connect to each other even when they're far away," I whispered back, "even though technology is a thing."

"So what happens when we disturb someone who's meditating?" Three asked, turning back to me. I smirked.

"Alert the final member of Elements that we're coming for her," I replied, "let's go. Create a mist cover then we attack while he's blind."

"My favourite kind of attack," I can basically sense his cocky ass smile. That means something is going to go wrong.

"So..." Three trailed off, I looked to him, "I just remembered that I don't actually know how to use my mist quirk by will yet..."

And there's the thing that's going to go wrong.

"For God's sake, just wait here," I pushed him out of my way and walked into the meditation circle, choking back a cough as it tried to tickle its way up my throat. Stupid sickness.

I stopped behind Air, my scythe blade at his neck.

"I've got you now..." I whisper.

"No. You do not," came a new voice, one that didn't belong to Air.

"Three!" I shouted.


Subject 05066: Success | Villain Reader Insertحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن