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1 week later_

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1 week later_

Mr Ambié's PoV

I sighed as I folded my newspaper up and placed it on the table.

"Papa, I want to see y/n and Shad," Ymira ran over to me. She's been begging to see them for ages and its starting to bug me.

"We can't, honey," Lois placed her hand on Ymira's head and spoke before I could, "I checked, they're not allowing visitors anymore. Their health just isn't good enough."

"OK, moma," she nodded and skipped away, Lois looked to me sadly.

"Is what you just said true?" I asked, she nodded.

"I wanted to see them as well," she told me, "but I called up and they said we couldn't see them. It's really unfortunate, really."

"Why would you want to see them?" I asked, not understanding my wife's mind, "I mean they're killers."

"But they're kind hearted," she replied, sitting opposite me at the table, "remember that night that man broke into our home? That member of Numéros came to us. Zero. Y/n. She came and lured him away and protected us. I refuse to believe that their real selves were the killers."

I squinted at her, trying to find an alternate meaning to her words.

"That's what I love about you," I smiled, leaning back, "you see the good in everyone."

"I love you too," she smiled that heart breaking smile before getting up again, "I'm going to take Ymira to the festival. We'll see you when we get home."

I nodded and watched as she walked away.

"Enki..." I mumbled, "maybe he can get Ymira some time with y/n and Shad."

Your PoV

"Uno," I grinned weakly as I put my last card on the pile, "I win... Again."

"Damn it," Kristopher shook his head.

"You're a god," Shad huffed, flopping backwards onto his bed.

"Nah. You're just terrible at card games," I laughed before a fit of coughs overtook me. It only lasted a couple seconds...thank god...

"You good?" Shad asked.

"As good as I was before I was coughing," I nodded with a sigh, "This sucks, man. I just want to be out of here. I hate seeing the same four walls."

"I think... Once we get out of here," Kristopher moved himself so he was more comfortable, "I'm going to surf."

"Surf?" Shad looked at him weirdly, "since when do you surf?"

"I don't," he replied, "but I'd like to."

"I'll come too," I smiled, "it sounds like fun."

"Well if you go, then I'll go as well," Shad nodded.

"Sounds like a plan," Shadows walked in with Ymira hanging off his arm, "you have someone who's been dying to see you."

"Ymira!" I grinned, pushing one of the wires that was attached to me out of the way and opening my arms, she ran over and launched herself at me. We hugged and the atmosphere in the room seemed a lot more brighter.

"I missed you!" Ymira shouted as she jumped from me to Shad.

"We missed you too," Shad laughed as he hugged her, "your mum and dad not here?"

"Her dad is doing paper work and her mum was just called for an emergency dress alteration or something. I wasn't really listening," Shadows told us as he sat on a seat, "How're you all feeling?"

"How do you think we feel?" Kristopher asked bitterly, "sorry. Kind of cranky."

"Well the right person is here," Shad lifted Ymira up, "this is Ymira Ambié, the daughter of the family we were staying with. She's a ray of sunshine and she will be your favourite person in a few minutes."

He placed her on Kristopher's bed.

"Ymira, this is one of our friends. He's Kristopher," Shad gestured to the boy, Ymira grinned and then jumped onto Kristopher.

"What the--?!" Kristopher exclaimed, not really understanding what was going on, but hugged her eventually.

We watched as he seemed to melt into the hug.

"See?" I smiled, "you love her."

"What?" he quickly moved back, "I hate kids."

"You're not fooling anyone," Shadows shook his head as Ymira leapt off the bed and jumped over to Shadows.

"Fine," Kristopher sighed, "She's cute...and I may have always wanted a little sister..."

"Or just a family in general," Shad mumbled. I rolled my eyes.

"We have a family," I reminded him, "the eleven of us stick together, no matter what. No one dies and no one gets left behind."

"That's a really weird family," Ymira commented, I let out a small laugh.

"No," Kristopher shook his head, "it's a family created out of similar circumstances and a lot of blood."

Two weeks of agony later_

Recovery Girl's PoV

"I did it!" my assistant, Alix, exclaimed rather loudly, I turned to him curiously, "Recovery Girl I got the cure!"

"Show me," I said quickly, pushing my chair over to his station and looking over. I looked through the microscope as Alix put a new sample of the poison under the lense.

The end of a pipette obstructed my vision of the still multiplying mess of black and grey. Some reddish mixture was pushed onto the mixture. For a moment the blackish grey poison reacted against it with a small change in colour before it completely disappeared and all that was left were the blood cells that were contaminated with the poison.

"Do a few more tests on it," I said, gesturing to one of the rats at the same level of poison infection that the members of Numéros were at, "I'll be back in an hour. I just need to take the childrens' vitals."

"Cool-- I mean, yes ma'am," Alix nodded. I smiled and jumped off my chair before grabbing my notebook and a pen and leaving to see all of the children.

None of them were moving far, bed stuck, heart monitors attached to them all, drips. It's quite sad to them all looking so weak. If this is actually the cure then they should be recovering in a day or so.

Subject 05066: Success | Villain Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now