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"I'm bored and I miss everyone else," Shad pouted as he moved away from his and Kristopher's (Two) game of... Monopoly gone wrong?

"I'm sorry I'm not entertaining enough for you," Kristopher rolled his eyes.

We have been split up, there are two rooms of four people and one room of three. We're the room of three and somehow I got stuck with Shad and Kristopher.

"Stop complaining already," I rolled my eyes as my phone buzzed, I picked it up and grinned.

"What're you smiling about?" Shad asked, "Midoriya texting you again?"

"No and I told you it's not like that, we're just friends," I sighed, "it's someone else."

"Damn girl, how many guys have you got hanging off your little finger?" Kristopher asked. I laughed.

"None!" I exclaimed before the door opened.

"One Eijiro Kirishima, Mina Ashido and Denki Kaminari have been delivered," Kirishima's voice announced. Kaminari is an addition.

"Ei?" Shad basically shot off his bed and launched at him, "I missed other people who aren't y/n and Kris."

"Well thanks," both myself and Kristopher both rolled our eyes before my view was obstructed by a mess of pink.

"Y/n!" she shouted before knocking me backwards, I smiled as I hugged her and attempted to keep us on the bed, but failing and tumbling off the other side. We both laughed as we got up again.

"Damn I missed your energy," I smiled as we perched on my bed, "Kristopher these are our friends and ex class mates, Eijiro Kirishima, the red head. Denki Kaminari, the blonde. And Mina Ashido, the alien queen."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Kristopher or Two as you may know me," Kristopher introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you," Kaminari grinned, "can I play?"

"Sure," Kristopher moved over on the floor and watched the blonde sat opposite him at the monopoly board, "Shad was being a sore looser so..."

I rolled my eyes and turned to Mina.

"So... Catch me up," I grinned.

"First I need to tell you something," she said, excitement lacing her tone, "Uraraka has a crush on Midoriya!"


"See you guys later!" Mina, Kaminari and Kirishima all shouted as they left the room.

"I like them," Kristopher commented, "they're fun."

"They're part of the Bakusquad," I replied, "they're all...feral."

"You mean Bakugo is feral. Kirishima is perfectly fine," Shad laughed, "Mina, Sero and Kaminari are all...sharing one braincell most of the time."

"So like Elias (Three) and Landon (Four)?" Kristopher asked.

"Exactly like those two," I nodded with a grin.

"y/n?" Shad passed me a tissue, I looked at it confused, "your nose is bleeding..."

"What?" I asked, taking the tissue and wiping my nose, I pulled it back to see the redness, "what the hell..?"

"I'll go get Dr Dr," Kristopher jumped up and quickly left our room as Shad grabbed more tissues. Now that I was aware of my nose bleeding, I could feel it and I didn't like it. It's a weird sensation and blood should stay in the body, not jump out of it so that must mean...my body has started reacting to the weird injection like Maya's (Nine) had.

"Let me take a look, miss l/n," Dr Dr came over and tilted my head slightly, flashing a light from eye to eye. How's that going to help me? Then he pinched my nose and tilted my head down before holding a tissue under it, changing for a new one after a few minutes and doing that over and over until the bleeding stopped.

He let out a low huff as he scribbled something on his note book.

"What?" I asked, slightly worried.

"Don't worry your pretty little head," he replied, for now, have a chocolate. You've lost a lot of blood. Then rest, we don't want you straining too much."


How is movement going to affect me????

"Excuse me," he turned and left our room, all three of us were frowning.

"Not just me who is totally confused, right?" Kristopher asked, "I mean-- movement?"

"Yeah don't worry about it," Shad shook his head and dismissed the movement idea, "it's just Dr Dr being a weird ass doctor."

"His name is rather weird too," I mumbled, "like he was a whimsical character design."

"He's a human," Shad laughed, "he's not a character design."

"Says who?" I asked.

"We all might be characters in our own stories," Kristopher grinned before flopping down on his bed, "anyway, look at the time, it's almost 10pm. We should sleep, I guarantee that tomorrow will be filled with more tests."

"Brilliant," I rolled my eyes as I finished eating a small chocolate biscuit I'd found and then laid down, "night, y'all."


"Recovery Girl?" I looked at her with sorrow as I remembered the little girl and her father. Recovery Girl's son and granddaughter...

"Good afternoon, l/n siblings," she greeted us.

Siblings? Since when were we siblings?

"I'm going to be trying to find the antidote to your problem," she announced, "so I need some of your blood."

She revealed three big ass needles.

"Cool," Shad and Kristopher both nodded in a strangely equal amount of nervousness.

"Wimps," I shook my head and stuck my arm out for her to take my blood.

"No, the infected blood," she replied before gesturing for me to turn around. I sighed and turned around before kneeling on the floor. I felt her move my shirt down slightly before something was pushed into my back. Wincing, I felt as some of my blood was filtered away from my body before the needle was pulled away and a plaster was placed where the needle had been. My shirt returned to it's previous position and I stood up and sat back on my bed again.

"That's it?" I asked, she nodded before turning to the boys. Shad seemed to get some more confidence and pulled his shirt down so Recovery Girl could get to his collar bone. She repeated what she did to me, to Shad and then turned to Kristopher. He visibly gulped out of pure anxiety before lifting the bottom of his shirt up and covering his eyes. The veins on his lower abdomen were huge, bigger than the ones on my back or on Shad's chest. It was weird. But they seemed to be spreading much slower than ours so I guess that's kind of a good thing?

"All done," Recovery Girl announced before smiling at us and leaving the room.

"Wasn't that bad was it," I mocked the two whimpy boys, "You're little babies aren't you?"

"Sorry we don't like needles," Shad rolled his eyes with a small laugh.

Subject 05066: Success | Villain Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now